Page 74 of Canvas

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“Fucking Sasha was probably one of the stupidest things you guys have done in a long time.”

After I leave Summer and go back to work, I find Snake sitting on the sofa with his feet up on the glass coffee table, head tilted back, and his eyes closed. Bull and Gringo are at their stations doing whatever the fuck it is they do.

“Dude, she was like a bitch in heat. Once we let her know it was on, she was all over us,” Snake replies without opening his eyes. “I kind of felt sorry for her, it was like she hadn’t had any dick in a fucking year. She even came back for it this morning.”

“What? Are we running a charity house now? Servicing all the lonely housewives in town?” I ask.

“No, but that woman is hot. Spoiled rotten bitch, yes, but once we had her on her knees, which is exactly where she wanted to be, she was purring like a damn kitten.” Bull adds in as he walks up to us at the front of the shop.

“And we stroked that sweet pussy,” Gringo smirks, “I wouldn’t mind it being a regular thing, what about you, Bull?”

“Sweet pussy is the best pussy, I always say,” Bull laughs. “I’m in.”

“No more Sasha, or the rest of her little crew,” I say moving over to the front desk computer and pulling up the day’s appointments.

“Why not? She wants it, no strings, it’s just a service fuck,” Gringo asks. “It’s perfect. We’re the ones doing her a favor.”

“You’re right, that is if she wasn’t one of the biggest mouths in town.” I turn my head to look at the boys. Snake looks like she fucked him until he couldn’t stand, the other two appear to be trailing her scent with their damn tongues hanging out of their mouths.

“And what a mouth it is. Gave head like it was an Olympic event. Damn, she was talented. Even with my massive schlong,” Bull replies.

Flipping through the screens on the computer, I’m grateful to have something else to talk about other than Summer. I comment, “She could have a pussy lined in gold and a velvet mouth. If it’s attached to a married woman, or a kid, it’s off-limits. Hell, we don’t even know who her husband is. And we need to keep a low profile. We’ve been lucky we haven’t been called for an assignment in years, but that could change at any time.”

They all grumble as Bull lowers his huge frame into the chair next to the sofa and kicks his feet up on the table. “Now hold on, she came to us. She asked us. We were just in here minding our own business…”

I laugh. “Give me a break. Gringo practically whipped his dick out in front of her at the coffee shop. Snake here almost spelled it out that you’d all fuck her. And gladly.”

As soon as the words leave my mouth, I cringe. I know it’s coming.

“You? What’s this ‘you’ shit? You were always right there with your cock in your hand telling these broads to suck it like the sweet little sluts they are. You weren’t thinking about keeping a low profile or the damn call. Don’t make it sound like we’re the bad guys and you never had anything to do with it.” Gringo catches the reference and calls me on it.

I knew it. It’s my own fault. He’s right.

“Yeah, Rock. Just because you got Sugar Tits last night doesn’t make you innocent in all of this. Hell, if anything, even if you didn’t fuck Sasha, it’s your name on the lease here and you’d be held the most accountable if anything went down legally. How would the powers that be like that?” Leave it to fucking Bull to kick me in the nuts.

“Whoa, hold on,” I shake my head. This is all getting way out of control. “I wasn’t even here last night. As far as I’m concerned, I did not know she was here. I didn’t, not until this morning…”

“Doesn’t matter,” Gringo argues, “your shop, your responsibility.”

“What are you, fucking ten?” I throw back at him.

He rolls his shoulders back and cocks his head as he takes a step toward me. “No, I’m not fucking ten. I’m just not going to let you pussy out of this like…”

“Stop right now,” Snake gets to his feet. “You’re arguing like a bunch of girls.” He steps between me and Gringo. “The only thing we need to focus on is Sasha. That’s the reality. The other stuff is bullshit.”

“Bullshit that could have legal ramifications and unwanted inquisitions,” Gringo digs.

“Not my fucking problem,” I throw up my hands.

“Alright, enough,” Snake barks. “Goddamn, would you two girls just back the fuck up. Now,” he looks at the three of us. “Rock’s right. No more Sasha and that whole little crew.” Gringo and Bull start to argue, moaning their complaints. “Yes, she was a hot ass lay, but she is married. And this is a small town. Nothing stays quiet in a place like this. Once is fine, not a regular thing. We don’t need problems and any unnecessary attention.”

“Last time I checked, it’s not illegal to bang a married woman,”Gringo is fucking moping.

“What the hell, Gringo, was her cunt that damn magical? Did it spit out gold coins or some shit like that?” I laugh at him.
