Page 85 of Canvas

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“Because, princess,” I begin slowly, “that’s where you need to be so you can feel safe and stop hiding.”

I can feel her deep intake of breath as her eyes widen and her body tenses below mine. She starts to squirm as she shuts down all emotion.

“What makes you think I don’t feel safe?” she asks as she nudges my chest and averts her gaze.

Well, well, well, what have we here? Our precious little Summer is hiding. And apparently safety is a big concern for her.

I grip her wrists and pull her hands above her head, not giving her an inch of space to move.

“I didn’t. But apparently you don’t.” She scowls at me as she purses her lips, clamping her mouth shut, stopping herself from saying anything else. What other mysteries do you have, Summer? “Why did you come here, princess? Nobody just comes to this little hole in the wall, to any hole in the wall for that matter. They either were born here and never left, had to come here to take care of a dying relative, or they’re hiding, running from something?”

Summer starts to squirm harder, trying to push me off.

“Get off Rock, I’ve got to go,” she refuses to look at me.

I can tell whatever nerve I’ve touched on scares the shit out of her.

“Princess, hey,” I cup her cheek, “look at me,” I whisper.

At least she’s stopped fighting against me, stopped trying to get away. I didn’t mean to fuck with her mind, goddamn it, but old habits never die, fucking Army and PSYOPS. Hesitantly, her eyes find mine. I stroke her cheek with my thumb, my palm still cradling her face, trying to ease some of the tenseness from her.

“I’m not going to hurt you, Summer. Whatever it is you’re hiding, you can trust me. I promise.”

She can trust me. I have to let her because she needs to. And that will make me something I never allow myself to be.


She doesn’t say anything and for a fraction of a moment there’s a flash of something in her eyes.

Was it hope?



Whatever it was, it’s gone, and is replaced by the shutters of her long eyelashes concealing any and all emotion she was feeling. But more importantly, what I was seeing.

Going for aloof, she comments, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m fine, I don’t need anyone. Now,” she tugs roughly on her arms, “would you please let me go? I need to get home. I was kidnapped last night, and I’ve got a lot of work to catch up on.”

My hold tightens around her wrists. I need to get her attention again, need to get her back to me, out of that place, that safe-zone behind her mask of I’m-independent-strong-and-don’t-need-any-fucking-body. That bullshit facade where no one can tell she’s scared and she’s hiding from the very thing that scares the shit out of her.

It would work, except this isn’t the place where somebody goes to be that strong independent person.

This is a pretty little town, with nice regular people where the most exciting thing that happens here is someone burns their Sunday roast, and the cops stop the kids from getting to third base in their cars on a dead-end street.

This is a place where nobody comes.

I should know, that’s why I’m here.

Unfortunately, if certain people want to find you, there’s no place to go, they will find you, regardless if you want to be found or not.

Today the phone call came, dragging me back into the life after the service I thought had let go of me when I left.

I’ll deal with that shit later.

What’s most important right now is Summer. I don’t want to let her out of my sight. I sure don’t want her to leave. Alone. The trick’s going to be getting her to let me make her stay.

The real kicker? I’ve got a woman who’s scared to death, but strong as hell. That’s what’s going to make it nearly impossible. I’m sure of it.
