Page 89 of Canvas

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He looks at me with a smug smirk.

“Why can’t I call her Tinkerbell, Rock?”

The fucker is going to goad me.

“Yeah, Rock, why can’t he call her that?” Bull says loudly from his seat with a big fat smile from ear to ear.

“You got a problem with him calling her that, Rock?” Gringo joins the ball busting.

The fuckers!

“You used to call me that I hear,” Summer gazes at me from beneath her eyelashes. She’s fighting a grin too, apparently she’s well aware of what the guys are doing and jumped right in on the party.

“Yes, I used to call you that,” I whisper hoarsely.

Snake catches it.

“Is that why? Because that’s your name for her? No one else can have it?”

The whole damn shop erupts into raucous laughter. I silently fume.

“Come here, Sugar…,” Bull calls Summer over.

“Don’t you fucking dare say it,” I growl at him.

“Don’t get your panties all wadded up, dude,” Gringo laughs.

I don’t let go of her hand as she walks over. For now, I’m not leaving her alone with them.

Bull’s working on a girl. She’s been a regular client of his.

“That’s beautiful, Bull.” Summer examines the designs he’s done for her.

“Thanks, Sugar. They’re runes, we do one each time she comes in. Each one means something.”

The woman looks over her shoulder at us. “Yes, I’m Celtic and each symbol has very ancient and very sacred meanings. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what I wanted,” she smiles.

We walk down to Gringo. The man he’s working on is quiet. Summer looks at what Gringo’s doing.

“Oh my God, you did that?” she asks.

Gringo’s been working on a portrait of the man’s daughter on his chest, close to his heart.

“Gringo’s the best portrait artist for a hundred miles. He’s booked for months at a time.”

“It’s magnificent,” she whispers, the fingers on her free hand reaching out slightly as if to stroke the image of the beautiful little girl.

The client finally makes eye contact with us.

“I really wanted to do this, but I had a horrible fear of needles. Gringo helped me get over it so I could get my baby done.” The guys grinning so big, I think he’s gonna start crying.

“You’re going to wear it proudly for the rest of your life,” she replies sincerely.

We might be an unusually close bunch of guys, but we’ve walked through hell together and would give our lives for each other without a second thought. Not many people can honestly say that.

“Are you leaving? I thought we were going to talk about the call,” Snake asks.

Shit, not in front of Summer.
