Page 97 of Canvas

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It was very late by the time I left the shop last night, and very early when I had to come back in this morning. Too late and too early for me to call Summer. I’d sent her a text after I drove by her place and I’d gotten home. I also drove by this morning and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Last night, I had hoped that I could convince her to come over, or to let me go to her. It was a constant battle I fought with myself on whether or not I would go to her place and let myself in. The only thing that stopped me was I was sure I’d scare the hell out of her. Knowing what (I think) I know now, I don’t want her alone. At. All. I didn’t think anything of it when she didn’t reply, granted I was disappointed, but I assumed that she was beat and was sleeping. But she still hasn’t responded and it’s gotten all my instincts raging. But so far nothing’s happened, she hasn’t been contacted or threatened by anyone, at least as far as I know. If she had, I’m sure I’d sense it. I had to be here at the crack of dawn for a client but as soon as I’m done, I’m going to her.

Right now, it looks like things are going from bad to worse.

I’ve had my head focused on the intricate project I’m working on so I haven’t looked up every time the door opened. Since the guys came in people have come and gone several times but I haven’t bothered to see what was happening. If they need me, they’ll call me. I’ve got a client on my table and Summer’s completely occupying my mind.

So when Sasha came in, I didn’t see her. You can bet your sweet ass I can hear her now, though. The whole fucking town is going to hear her if the boys don’t get her under control.

“What do you mean you can’t see me anymore?” she’s yelling.

I’ll give them sixty fucking seconds to shut that shit down!

I can hear some loud rumbling from across the shop. My client tenses beneath my hands. He’s listening too.

“What is that supposed to mean? So what I’m married, since when is that illegal?” Sasha’s voice echoes through the space.

“That’s what I said.”

Fucking Gringo!

“Get out,” I push myself up, the tattoo gun still clutched in my hand.

The client looks at me over his shoulder. “Wh…what?”

“I said get the fuck out,” I growl at him.

“But we’re not finished,” he stutters.

“Yes we are.”

“Buuu…but I haven’t even paid?”

“Next goddamn time. OUT.”

I take a level headed minute to set the gun down on my cart so I don’t use the hose to wrap around Sasha’s fucking neck as I drag her out of my shop. When I yank the curtain all the way open, I spy Bull leaning against his table, ankles and arms crossed, with a client behind him, one he was working on. Both of them are watching me but Bull’s grinning like a dickhead. Snake’s at the front desk, also propped against it, eyes on me with a cocky ass smile as well.

“Dude, I didn’t even bother to start working on Jewel, (he motions to the goth chick coming from the restroom). I knew this was gonna go down, and I knew it was going to be epic,” he fucking smirks.

My client stumbles past us pulling his shirt on as he makes a bee line straight for the door.

“Oooooh, this is gonna be good,” Bull fucking chuckles.

“Suck on my epic right nut, asshole,” I growl as I throw open the door to the private client room.

Sasha and Gringo are in here, lips locked, sucking the hell out of each other’s tongues, his hand is between her thighs and hers is down the front of his pants.

“Out Sasha,” it takes every ounce of self-control to contain my anger.

They barely separate.

“No and you can’t make me,” she says against Gringo’s mouth before she plunges her tongue back down his throat.

“The fuck I can’t,” I say tightly.

This time she pulls her head back but never removes her hand from around Gringo’s dick.
