Page 99 of Canvas

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“You’d better get out here. Mrs. Merriweather and Gwen are here.”

No! Just fucking NO!

He opens the door all the way and I push past him, Gringo behind me and Sasha right behind him.

Mrs. Merriweather’s face twists into a scowl when she sees Sasha. Gwendolyn’s eyes bounce back and forth between the three of us.

“I should ‘ave known you’d be involved when there be trouble about,” Mrs. Merriweather sneers at Sasha.

Trouble?! What the hell is she talking about, trouble? It’s Summer, I fucking knew something was wrong since she hasn’t answered me.

“What is it?” I demand.

Her eyes shoot to mine. There’s fear there and it makes my blood boil. “It’s our Summer, Rock. She’s not open, ‘er shop is dark. She’s always open. I just know something ‘appened.”

I’m half way out the door. I don’t bother to reply. There’s no need to comment a damn thing.

Something is wrong.

Summer is missing.

Her fucking father got her.

“I wouldn’t worry about her,” Sasha says. “She’s probably with Steve.”

The whole world fucking stops.

I jerk around and get in Sasha’s face. Everything ceases to exist, nothing moves, there are no other sounds, nothing matters except for what she’s about to tell me.

“What did you say?” my voice is menacingly quiet.

“She’s probably with Steve. What did you think? That you were the only man who wanted some of ‘our little Summer’?” Her voice drips sarcastic sweetness.

“Just tell me what the fuck you’re talking about, or so help me God, I will not be responsible for what I’ll do to you.”

“Okay,” she folds her arms defensively across her chest. “I was at my husband’s office yesterday. While I was waiting for him to finish up with an appointment, I was talking with the girl whose office is next to his…”

“Would you just spit it out already?” I yell in her face.

“I’m getting there!” she yells back. “Anyway, the door opened and I hear Steve and my husband talking. Steve was thanking him for Summer’s information. He said he didn’t want the surprise he had planned for her to get ruined and he really appreciated it, or something like that.”


“Did you hear anything else?” the blood in my veins is turning to ice.

“Yes, he said that she’s going to be his wife.”


My brain just fucking exploded in my skull.

“Find out where the fucker lives!” I yell as I’m out the door and on my bike before Sasha or anyone can get another word out.

Steve was the plant here watching her.

He’s her fiancée.

Every worst fear I had is unraveling and coming to life before I can stop the free fall of catastrophe’s happening one after the other.
