Page 7 of Magic's Dawn

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“Hush your mouth,” Jesse says. “The longer she keeps that cranky old sourpuss confined to a bed, the more time I have to enact my coup of the city council.”

I frown in confusion. “Can you take over the city council if you’re not even on it?”

Jesse was kicked off the city council at Mrs. Smith’s urging when he backed our plan to open Hartford Cove to the new witches and vampires who joined us.

Secretly, though, I think it was to eliminate her competition in the pie contest. She and Jesse have been battling for years over who makes the best apple pie. She’d even accused him of pinching her recipe.

Jesse winks at me. “That’s why it’s a coup, lass. And our mayor will back me, won’t you, Mayor?”

Owen slides out a chair and takes a seat at the long table. “It’s time for a change, so if you want to head the council, I’m behind you. I’d like to nominate Ambros for a seat, too, as well as Harper.”

“Now we’re talking.” Jesse leads Barron back to their seats and hovers over his mate as he settles into his chair. “We’re going to shake this town up.”

Ros heads for the chair farthest from the window. “Do I have a say in this?”

Owen arches a brow. “Not if you want a representative for the vampires on the council, making decisions about what happens to your people.”

“Sorry, Rosebud.” I pat his shoulder in sympathy as I take the chair beside him. “Sucks to be the man in charge.”

“You’re on the council, too, Rowe,” Owen reminds me.

“What? No!” I wave my hands in denial. “Mrs. Smith kicked me out! And besides, I don’t have enough time! There’s too much training to do!”

“Oh, now you want to train.” Haut sits next to Owen and stretches out his legs under the table to hook his feet around mine. “Council members get a voting seat in the pie-tasting contest.”

Tris grabs my hand and raises it into the air. “She’ll do it.”

“Traitor.” I yank my hand free and smack him. “You know we don’t share a stomach, right?”

“We’re witches,” he says sagely. “We’ll find a way.”

Ros raises his fork. “I vote to hide the grimoires from Rowe and Tris.”

Everyone else grabs their forks and pounds them on the table. “Hear, hear.”

Abony breezes into the room, carrying a tray laden with coffee, hot chocolate, milk shakes, and water. “What did I just miss voting on?”

“Whether to hide the magic books from these two unhinged witches.” Haut stands to take the tray from her and passes out drinks.

I eagerly accept my chocolate shake.

“Not sure what triggered that, but I’m sure it has solid backing.” Abony grabs a fork and pounds it against the table. “Hear, hear.”

Tris leans over to whisper in my ear, “We can just practice when they’re not looking.”

“No, you can’t,” Haut and Owen say at the same time.

Tris flops back in his chair. “I miss super hearing.”

“We’re here,” Mel calls from the hall. “Did we miss putting in our orders?”

“No, you’re just in time,” Abony calls back.

“Darn, it sounds like he stayed,” I grumble.

Owen’s blue eyes shift to meet mine. “We still have to vote on that. If we don’t like him, he’s out.”

Yeah, but if he ran, it would have made things easier. That way, we could have told the Paranormal Council he left voluntarily.
