Page 57 of The Prophet

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Flint pointed out that two deaths a day would have sped things up too fast if the murders were part of a ritual to open the gate during the eclipse. It makes sense but also leaves us in a cloud of uncertainty while we scramble to figure out how to stop something so unpredictable.

Voices bounce around the locker room as I change out of my Bone Guard uniform. More humans than we expected took Sharpe up on his offer of sanctuary, and it doubled the number of complaints we received as they found their footing within the looser laws of the Yard.

Contrary to Sharpe’s concern, the sudden influx of citizens delighted Nickodemus. New buildings sprouted up from the streets, and the wall of the Yard expanded to encompass what remained of the forest that butts up against New Clearhelm.

Soon, the Yard will be equal in size to Clearhelm, becoming a city of its own instead of a black spot inside Clearhelm’s borders.

I take off my vest, my shoulders aching from helping people move into their homes. I want nothing more than to go back to our room at the Harbor and soak in the tub. But I’m still hours away from relaxing.

The next stop from here is to report to the Hub for my shift on the emergency hotline.

A distressing number of people have connections to Vicki, and weeding through them is a full-time job on its own. Determining if they fit one of the deadly sins is a delicate task of getting the information without offending or insulting the person trying to help.

I sit on the bench to take off my boots, afraid that if I do it while standing, I’ll tip right over. A groan of relief escapes me as I get their tight, heavy weight off my feet.

The cool floor tiles ease the burn in my skin, and I rest my head against the locker, eyes closing for a moment.

The buzz of my phone clattering on metal jolts me out of the half-doze I had fallen into.

I snatch it up and read the text preview.

Marc: Turn on the news. Now.

Adrenaline pushes back the fatigue of too-long shifts, and I tap in my passcode to unlock the screen.

“Something wrong?” Webb glances over as she stores her sword.

“Not sure yet.” I spot a notification and click on it, expecting to learn of another grisly murder.

Instead, the story flickers to life, a familiar blond reporter’s grave expression filling the screen. “This just in. Bribes have been uncovered in the offices of city officials. What does it mean for those whose construction plans have been locked up with permitting issues.”

Lips parting in surprise, I lean forward, elbows propped on my knees. My pulse quickens, and I turn up the volume.

“Details are emerging about a scandal that has rocked the municipal office,” she continues. “An inspections officer with over a decade of service has been dismissed amid allegations of corruption and bribery.”

“Holy shit,” I breathe.

Did Marc have something to do with this? But he would have said something. He’s been at the city office so much, getting more and more frustrated, that he would have crowed this to the sky.

“An investigation is underway.” The anchorwoman’s eyes glint as she delivers the unfolding drama. “Authorities have yet to release a statement, but sources claim that the fired officer accepted substantial sums to freeze projects and force companies into bankruptcy so that their competitors could sweep in and steal the jobs.”

A laugh escapes me, though it’s not surprising. We knew Bailey was blocking our cabin project, but we had enough money to wait out his influence. Smaller start-up businesses or mom-and-pop shops wouldn’t have the same luxury.

“While this investigation is underway, the cases overseen by this official will be reevaluated.” She gives the camera a sharp-toothed smile. “If you’ve been affected by stalled construction projects, expect to see your job sites back in full swing soon.”

The news story stops, and a little icon pops up to ask if I want to watch it again.

“Not shocking that there would be corruption.” Webb slams her locker. “Glad to see at least one of those assholes getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar.”

My phone buzzes in my hand as I nod in agreement, and I look down to check the new text.

Marc: Our cabin remodel just got green-lit to resume work tomorrow morning!

“Sharpe!” I stand and race across the changing room, jumping onto the bench in the middle and launching myself at Sharpe.

Our bodies collide with an oomph, and he drops his heavy tool belt to catch me, one hand on my ass and one under my thigh. “Wha?—”

Grabbing his face, I plant a sloppy kiss on his lips.
