Page 72 of The Prophet

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My focus returns to him. “No, it wasn’t an accident we were here. We were tracking the monster that came here to kill Judge Collins. If you would stop blustering and do your job, you would already be securing the crime scene and identifying the body.”

A vicious gleam enters his eyes. “Do you expect me to believe it’s a coincidence you’ve now been on-site at two murder scenes?”

I stiffen. “What are you implying?”

“You’re trying to make yourself look more important than you are after we shut down the JTFPI. It’s strange how this only started happening once you took up residence in the Bone Yard.” He motions one of his officers over. “It wouldn’t be hard for you to hire some black-magic practitioners to make a few sensational kills to make you look good.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Rage burns through me. “We’re here to save lives!”

“Yet all I see is death.” He takes the cuffs from the officer. “You remember the process, Sharpe.”

Muscles stiff, I turn to face away from him and link my fingers behind my back. It won’t be the first time I’ve cooled my heels in jail.

The cold steel snaps around my wrists, and Bailey leans in as he cinches them tight. “It’s going to be hard to make your mayoral appointment while in jail, kid. You keep trying to best me, but I’m always five steps ahead.”

I turn my head to see him from the corner of my eye. “One of these days, your ego is going to get you killed.”

He yanks on my cuffed wrists. “Is that a threat?”

“More like a prophecy.” My gaze sweeps over the street to the onlookers, and I see several phone cameras pointed our way. “Your time is running out. The writing is on the wall, and your grabs for power just make you look desperate.”

“Your sense of self-importance is poisoning your brain.” Bailey shoves me toward the curb where my teammates sit. “Cool your head while the real cops handle this situation.”

“Real cops.” Trent snorts as I settle on the ground beside him, the concrete cold through my slacks. “They’re lucky we’re being docile.”

Savannah leans past him. “Welcome to the curb squad. Tell me you at least got eyes on the beastie.”

“More than that.” I roll my shoulders, envision the handcuffs, and shift them to the street beneath one of the patrol cars. Bringing my hands forward, I rub my wrists. “Batons are out. Salt, iron, and fire are effective, though.”

“Well, shit, if you’re getting comfortable…” A quiet pop comes from behind Trent, and he tosses his cuffs after mine.

Magic ripples under Savannah’s skin, and a moment later, her confines join ours.

Marc simply melts his into a pool of glowing metal. “What happened to the others?”

“Reese portalled them back to the Conservatory.” I keep Pen’s injury to myself for now. No point in giving the fire witch a reason to rage when she has Flint and Darius taking care of her.

Trent sucks his teeth in consideration. “Think that kid would hire on with my group? His skills would come in handy.”

Savannah smacks him. “Flint will kill you.”

“Where are your loyalties, woman?” He wraps an arm around her shoulders and pulls her against his side. “Have you gotten soft?”

She shoves him away. “From what your wife says, you’re the one who’s getting soft.”

He slaps his rock-hard abs. “She likes a little pudge for snuggles.”

“This entire operation is a shit show.” Marc leans back on his elbows. “We could get up and walk to our SUVs, and no one would notice.”

“This is what happens when someone tries to be a politician and a police captain.” Trent turns to me. “Speaking of…”

“I’m still considering it.” I pull up my knees to rest my arms on them. “Can corruption be fixed from within at the mayoral level if people like Bailey and Lynch still have power? Feels like my time would be better served continuing on my current path.”

“Because that’s working out so well right now.” Savannah swirls her finger in the air to encompass our current situation.

“Yeah, but this is par for the course.” I drop my head, trying to get a deep breath not clouded by the exhaust of all the running cars. “Bad as it sounds, I expect this shit now. Our lawyers will deal with it, and we’ll be back home by morning.”

“Sure would be nice not to expect this shit, though, wouldn’t it?” Savannah drapes herself across Trent. “The Yard is nearly half of Clearhelm now. It’s only a matter of time before this entire city becomes a sanctuary for Others. You can be the one leading the charge or continue to drag your feet and roll with the punches.”

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