Page 88 of The Prophet

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Startled, my eyes widen. “Why me?”

Julian frowns in confusion. “Clearhelm needs a true bridge between the two worlds, and you’ve proven that you take the rights of the Others as seriously as you do the humans. Just look at what you’ve done with the Yard. It’s improved so much under your supervision. It’s becoming a real city.”

I shake my head. “What’s happened in the Yard is all thanks to Nickodemus and the new Yard council.”

“Come on, you’re not that green,” Julian scoffs. “Nickodemus wouldn’t have asked for your help if he could have made the necessary changes by himself and claimed all the glory. The Yard has only grown and gained acceptance through your support with backing from the Cleaners.”

Julian sweeps a finger back and forth between me and Pen. “Both Others and humans trust and fear you. It makes for a powerful partnership.”

While he means it as praise, I frown at the mention of fear. Demons only respect those who can destroy them—it’s what their society is built on—but I don’t enjoy the idea.

“Consider it some more.” Julian steps back to the side, allowing us to continue on our way. “I think you’d do well, and we could make some positive changes around here.”

With my thoughts filled with Julian’s words, we walk down the hall to Lynch’s office.

I knock on the door, and his voice drifts out. “Come in.”

As we enter, the weariness radiating off him catches me off guard. Lynch has always been impeccable in appearance, no matter the time or situation. Now, though, his suit is rumpled, and heavy bags hang under his eyes, making him look years older than his age.

Concern shoots through me. “Jesus, Lynch, have you slept at all?”

He rubs the back of his neck. “No time for that.”

“Still, you need to take care of yourself, too.” I motion Pen to take one of the chairs in front of his desk and shut the office door. “We can’t afford to lose anyone else.”

“Ha. That’s funny coming from you.” Lynch leans forward in his chair, his exhaustion outweighing his anger. “What’s going on with Bailey? Why are the Clearhelm Police now without a captain?”

“Bailey is under our protection for now. He’ll be safe as long as he stays put.” Pen settles into the seat farthest from Lynch. “But after we deal with our current situation, he will be leaving Clearhelm.”

“Leaving?” Lynch’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise, and he glances between us. “What did you do?”

“Bailey has made too many enemies here.” I hold Lynch’s gaze. “He needs a fresh start, somewhere away from Clearhelm.”

Shoulders slumping with defeat, Lynch rubs his neck again. “I suppose this is the most peaceful solution?”

“Yes.” The word comes out clipped.

His eyes narrow. “You’re taking away my only police captain.”

Pen folds her arms under her breasts and glares back. “That was your choice when you backed Bailey and fired Sharpe.”

“At the moment, our priority is dealing with the threat at hand.” I keep my tone level to avoid this becoming a finger-pointing fight that no one will win. “Once the eclipse is over, we can focus on finding a suitable replacement.”

“Or we can solve the issue right now.” He reaches into a drawer and produces my old badge and gun, placing them on the desk between us. “Clearhelm needs you back in service, Sharpe. No minor precinct this time, though. You’ll be Captain of the Clearhelm Police. The position should have been yours years ago, and we both know it.”

The gold of my badge catches the overhead lights, winking at me with all the dreams I had when I first accepted it, but the dents remind me of all the broken promises that came after.

I wanted so much to make a difference when I took the helm at the Join Task Force of Paranormal Investigations, but small budgets and a lack of support from my peers stopped me at every turn.

Do I even have the heart to try again?

The last time Lynch had made this offer, I refused, though he had only meant to reopen the doors of the JTFPI back then. Does being offered a position with more power sway my previous decision to cut ties with Clearhelm’s law enforcement?

Pen’s hand touches my thigh, and when I look at her, I find only acceptance in her golden gaze. Whatever I choose, she has my back.

Does the title of Captain still fit anymore? Julian’s words ring in my ears, along with Pen’s earlier encouragement and the support of the others. My aspirations have grown beyond my previous dreams, and despite my contract with Nickodemus, I know that this is where I need to be.

Slowly, I pick up the badge, the metal cold from being locked in Lynch’s desk for so long.

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