Page 91 of The Prophet

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Lynch waves off my worry with a strained smile. “It’s nothing. Just a mild ache. Probably from all this stress. When this is all over, I’m taking a vacation to somewhere sunny. You two can take care of things here while I’m gone.”

Sharpe chuckles. “I didn’t think of that. How long do I have to be in office before I get to take a week off?”

“Not as long as Cay will need to be in her position before she’s allowed to take a leave of absence.” Lynch rolls his head on his shoulders to loosen his muscles. “You’ll have to wait until spring for your couple’s vacation.”

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I tune out their conversation as I pull it out to check who’s calling.

When Meredith’s name appears on the screen, I show it to Sharpe as I stand. “I’ll be right back. This might be about the case.”

At Sharpe’s nod, I slip out into the hall and press the answer button. “Hey, Meredith, what do you have for me?”

“It’s a doozy.” Delight fills her voice. “Are you sitting down?”

I lean against the wall next to the door. “Give it to me.”

“Once I had Judge Collin’s information, I ran it back through my system, looking for other links. He had to have a person in law enforcement greasing the wheels.”

Meredith is one of the best tech people I know, but her love of the theatrics gives me a headache.

I pinch the bridge of my nose. “We already have Bailey in custody.”

“Pfffft.” She blows the raspberry into the speaker, making me flinch. “He’s small fish. We needed someone powerful enough to have connections to a judge and Reverend Shawe. Someone older. Someone who went to school with them. Someone Vicki called Uncle Patty.”

I straighten and turn to stare at the little gold plaque mounted to the wall, which reads Chief Patrick Lynch. “You’ve got to be shitting me.”

“I shit you not.” Her cackle fills my ear. “This is going to tickle Sharpe pink. Can I be the one to tell him?”

“Not this time.” My hand drops to my brand-new badge. “I gotta go. Good work, Meredith.”

I hang up before she can respond, take a deep breath, and step back into the room.

Lynch turns to me, a smile crinkling his cheeks. “It’s official, Ms. Cay. You’re the police captain. We can head over to the station in the morning for introductions.”

Sharpe takes one look at my face and stands. “What’s wrong? What did Meredith have to say?”

I wave him back into his chair and resume my seat, my focus fixed on Lynch. “How long were you going to keep your connection to Victoria Shawe quiet?”

Beside me, Sharpe stills like a hound with a scent as his attention shifts to his former superior. “What?”

Lynch slowly closes his eyes and leans back. “How?”

“You, her dad, and Judge Collins all went to school together, Uncle Patty.” My lips thin into an angry line. “You knew we were searching for people with a close link to Vicki. Why did you stay silent?”

“What was I supposed to do?” He throws up his hands. “I was trying to protect what little reputation I have left. If I get fired, I’ll lose my pension.”

“Death is worse than losing your pension.” I drum my fingers on my thigh. “Did you hope this would blow over and no one would ever find out?”

“Wait.” Sharpe leans forward, his head swinging from me to Lynch. “Were you helping Vicki slip through the justice system?”

“It’s not that simple.” Shame adds weight to Lynch’s words. “I never meant for any of this to happen. I was just trying to do a favor for a friend. But after the first time Collins and I helped Shawe out, he had proof we could be bribed and stabbed us in the back. We were in too deep, with no way out that wouldn’t ruin us.”

“Dammit!” Sharpe runs a hand through his hair in frustration. “You should have told us sooner. You could be on the list of people to sacrifice!”

My stomach twists with unease. “Show us the back of your neck, Lynch.”

He rears back. “Why?”

“Pride, unbowed, will never find humility.” I twirl my finger in the air. “Let’s see your neck.”
