Page 99 of The Prophet

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My hands clench into fists at my sides, flames flickering between my fingers as I channel my anger and frustration into a temporary distraction.

If the black dog shows itself, I’ll burn it to ash.

The sound of the shower cuts off, replaced by thumping and a pained groan.

Bailey leaps from his chair and barrels toward the bathroom to bang on the door. “I warned you about that breakfast! There was dairy in it! And for the love of all that’s holy, give us a courtesy flush if it’s that bad!”

The thumping continues, and my brow furrows with concern as I take a step away from the window, but the distant rumble of an engine draws me back.

Striding to the front, I peer outside and spy Ga’Vine’s SUV approaching. Worry rushes through me. If Ga’Vine came here straight from the press conference, something must be wrong.

Are Merri and Marc in danger? Or have they come up with a new way to guard against the black dog and stop the Wild Hunt?

I turn back to Bailey, my voice stern. “Leave Lynch alone and behave yourself while I go speak with Ga’Vine. And just so we’re clear, if you try anything like you did yesterday with Marceau, or even think about stepping out of this cabin, I won’t warn you back with a shotgun. I’ll use fire.”

Bailey shrinks beneath my gaze, nodding mutely.

Satisfied that I put the fear of pain in him, I step outside, careful of the salt line, and close the door.

The soft ground gives underfoot as I make my way toward the SUV, my senses on high alert for a potential attack from the forest surrounding us. A summer breeze carries the scent of sap and hot earth, but no sign of death.

“Ga’Vine,” I call as he climbs out from behind the wheel. “What brings you here?”

He lifts a finger to ask for a moment and touches an ear bug nestled in his ear. “Just arrived at the cabin.” His gaze sweeps over me from head to foot. “Darius looks fine.”

I arch my brows in question.

Concern etches his features. “We couldn’t reach you or Flint, so I came to check on you while Pen and Marc went to the Conservatory.”

“Ah. It’s on the charger. Bailey drained the battery.” I stifle my irritation at the man. “I didn’t mean to cause you to worry.”

“We’re switching to these for now. Better to stay in constant communication so close to the eclipse.” Ga’vine hands me a metal case.

Inside, I find a tiny ear bug identical to the one he wears. I insert the small device and a slight buzz tickles my eardrum. “Hello?”

“Darius, thank goodness you’re okay.” Merri breathes, her voice washing over me like a soothing balm.

“Glad to hear you’re safe,” Marceau adds. “Have you resisted the urge to kill Bailey?”

A smile tugs at my lips. “It is a lesson in patience.”

Merri’s smoky chuckle caresses through me. “You and Marc are getting a big reward when this is through.”

“I look forward to it.” I take in Ga’Vine’s serious expression. “Now, tell me, what happened that has everyone so on edge.”

Ga’Vine glances toward the cabin before turning his back to it. “Meredith discovered a pentagram pattern in the murder sites. It might not be anything, but if it is, then this place and the Conservatory are at the center.”

“That’s a bit too much of a coincidence to be nothing.” I frown and turn my back to the watching windows as well. “What makes the lead questionable?”

“It only includes the current deaths and doesn’t factor in Lynch or Bailey,” Merri explains. “With the timing, though, we can’t take any chances. Not with the eclipse drawing near.”

My pulse quickens. “Are you thinking this symbol has something to do with why we haven’t seen a return of the black dog?”

“And why Lynch and Bailey were marked instead of killed,” Marceau says. “Think about it. If the black dog really wanted them dead, it would have gotten Lynch at minimum. He was unguarded and easy pickings after Judge Collins.”

“And you said you can’t reach Flint?” The unease inside me grows, concern for her safety paramount in my thoughts. “Merri, where are you?”

“Marc and I are just pulling up to the Conservatory to check on him.” The sound of their engine cuts off. “He should be in a class with Savannah, but we need eyes on him and to touch bases with Reese and Xander to make sure their tracker is still up and running.”
