Page 1 of Mafia Doctor

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“You’re coming with us tonight, and that’s final.”

Aurora groaned dramatically, finally slamming shut her textbook since she obviously wasn’t going to get any studying done right now. “I don’t want to! I haven’t been to a club in years. I’m not a party girl anymore…”

That had come out way whinier than she had meant it to, but she didn’t mind. Missy had been bugging her all day, and she had even called in Jackie for back-up since she was the bossiest out of their group of friends.

“Well, you’re gonna have to dig deep and get that girl to come out tonight then, because I’m sick and tired of the girl you’ve become this past week. She’s lame. And booooring,” Jackie said before grabbing Aurora’s sock-clad foot and dragging her off the couch until she slumped halfheartedly on the floor. “Come on, I’ll even help you pick an outfit.”

“Ugh! You’re such a pain in the ass,” Aurora grumbled before struggling to her feet and following her friends over to her closet.

“You love me.” Jackie shrugged and started digging through her dresser drawers, throwing various pieces of clothing onto her bed and chucking others into a pile on the floor.

“Aurora, it’s good for you to take a break every once in a while. Get out of the house. Maybe even talk to another human,” Missy said, coming up behind her and massaging her shoulders, as if that would make up for them interrupting her carefully planned night of hermit-studying.

“I literally just talked to humans at the gym this morning,” Aurora said with a pout. “And Dr. Jeppsen’s tests are notoriously hard!”

“Dr. Jeppsen is also the one who reminded us that work/life balance is key,” Missy said in her best I’m-wise-beyond-my-years voice.

She did have a point there. In fact, the first day of orientation at NYU was full of presentations on how to make it through rigorous coursework without getting burnt out… and Aurora definitely hadn’t taken any of that advice to heart. It wasn’t until she got close with Missy and Jackie during their second semester microbiology class that she started to let loose a little, and that had been really good for her. They forced her out of her shell, and in return, she forced them to focus and attend weekly study sessions. It was a win-win.

“We all know you’ll ace the test anyways, Brainiac,” Jackie scoffed, handing Aurora a small pile of clothing. “Try that on.”

“Fine,” Aurora huffed before disappearing into the bathroom. Shucking off her casual outfit, she stepped into the fishnet stockings, pulling them up her legs, then tugged on the short black skirt and neon green tube top. She didn’t bother with panties or a bra; this wasn’t the type of look that required either. She glanced at herself quickly in the mirror before walking back out to show her friends.

“Hot,” Jackie said.

Missy nodded in agreement, bringing over a pair of feather earrings and helping herself to Aurora’s ear lobes. “Perfect.”

“Okay, so we’re done here?” Aurora asked, fully aware that she still had an attitude and not caring. If they thought she was going to put a ton of effort into doing her hair and makeup, they had another thing coming.

“Yeah, yeah, we’ll leave you alone. Have your introvert time, charge your battery, because we’re picking you up at nine,” Missy said.

Even though Aurora technically lived by herself, Jackie and Missy were over there practically every day, so it was indeed rare that she got an evening to herself anymore.

“I can’t wait,” Aurora deadpanned as her friends rushed toward the door.

“And do your makeup! It won’t kill you,” Jackie added right before Aurora closed the door.


Aurora grabbed her textbook and trudged over to the bathroom. She was an expert multitasker. She could read about animal science and apply glittery eye shadow at the same time.

If she was honest with herself, as put out as she acted in front of her friends—it was good for them, built character—she was kind of looking forward to doing something different tonight. She could very easily hole up in her apartment all day every day, and most of the time she did.

It was a very cushy apartment, paid for by her uncle—he was quite the “legitimate businessman” after all. He called to check in once at the end of each semester to make sure she was being a good girl, still getting good girl grades, and staying out of trouble. He rarely asked about her social life or tried to connect with her beyond that, but he had provided for her every need—and some of her wants—ever since her parents died, and she wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Especially because the next time he called, she planned to float the idea of him paying for her to do a gap year in Europe after she graduated. That was still a couple of years away, but she had learned it was best to start buttering Uncle Enzo up early when asking for favors. She had even practiced how she was going to ask in front of Missy and Jackie, with Jackie doing a hilarious impression of Uncle Enzo that was pretty spot on.

“No, Aurora. You have duties to your family that must be attended to when you come of age. No fun. Only marriage and babies. Don’t take sides against the family again. Ever.”

That last part had been Marlo Brando instead of Uncle Enzo, but it had worked.

They had all fallen into a fit of giggles, but it had actually hit a little too close to home for Aurora. Now wasn’t the time to worry about that, though. She was going to take the advice Missy always gave her and “live in the moment” for once. Chucking aside her textbook, she turned on her favorite Spotify playlist and got to work on her makeup.

“I think it’s a really bad idea, boss. Really, really bad.”

This was at least the third time Dante had told Enzo that this whole invite had “Red Wedding” written all over it. For whatever reason, the normally stubborn but persuadable kingpin was absolutely adamant.
