Page 14 of Mafia Doctor

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He gave her a slightly incredulous look before chuckling lightly as he pulled his clothes back into place, giving her time to do the same.

Then he took her hand in his and led her back to the villa.


The next couple of days passed in a blur. A mostly pleasant blur, Aurora had to admit.

She and Dante had fallen into a rhythm. Wake up, have breakfast, go sightseeing, then have an amazing gourmet dinner out before returning home and falling asleep in each other’s arms.

Dante had been almost disturbingly sweet and gentle with her since that night in the gardens. He’d explained to her that he planned to wait to claim her pussy until their wedding night, but Aurora wondered if that was out of a sense of propriety or if he was trying to prove to her that he could do the gentlemanly thing just as easily as he could do the neanderthal thing.

Probably the latter, since he’d already shoved his cock down her throat.

In any case, it was nice pretending sometimes to have a “normal” relationship since she was stuck with him no matter what she thought about it. She did, however, find herself feeling a bit… restless. Wondering what would happen next after they left the comfort of the stunning villa.

Before Dante had abducted her, she had applied to several veterinary medicine programs, and she was due to hear back from them any day now. She’d earned good grades in undergrad?—

she’d graduated Magna Cum Laude in fact—and she was waiting to hear from one program in particular, her dream school in California that was often ranked as number one in the US. Jackie and Missy had also applied there, and it would be her dream for all three of them to get in, share an apartment, explore the city together. A dream she now realized would have to include her domineering husband. She would worry about that part later…

Lying on the couch, she stopped mindlessly scrolling through TikToks and refreshed her email for the hundredth time that day. She froze when she saw the subject line.

University of California-Davis Application Decision

She blinked at it a few times, making sure it was really sitting there in her inbox, then she shot up into a seated position, her eyes darting around the room. Dante was out on some mysterious work errand, as he often was, but she still felt like she needed to check that he wasn’t nearby, as if even receiving this email would get her into trouble. Once she confirmed he was, indeed, not in the room with her, she tapped the email, holding her breath.

We are pleased to inform you…

That was all she read before she threw her phone on the couch and jumped up, hopping up and down like an excited schoolgirl and squealing. She couldn’t believe it! She had gotten into one of the top veterinary schools in America. Things were looking up, after all.

She was just about to Facetime Jackie and Missy when right at that moment, she heard the old front door of the Villa squeak open, and Dante walked in, looking tired but handsome as fuck like always. His weary eyes locked with her excited ones before he walked directly over to the bar cart and poured himself a glass of bourbon. Then he made his way over to kiss Aurora’s cheek before melting into an easy chair.

“Rough day?” Aurora asked.

Dante grunted. “Some people just can’t do their jobs,” he said before taking a large swig. “But it’s over now. How was your morning?”

“Well,” Aurora started, unable to keep the grin off her face, “I just got accepted into veterinary school!”

Dante stared at her for a moment with a look of surprise. “Oh wow… that’s fantastic, babygirl! I didn’t know you’d even applied.”

“A while ago, yeah. Before… you.”

“I see. Well, I’ve got some contacts at the University of Illinois, I’ll have to tell them to keep an eye on you.”

Aurora paused. “What? No. It’s not in Chicago. I got into a school in California. It’s one of the best in the country.”

Dante set his glass down and stood back up, taking both of Aurora’s hands in his. “I’m really proud of you. But you can’t go to school in California. We have to stay in Chicago.”

Aurora was silent for a moment, taking that in. Then she felt a sense of fury start to build.

“What do you mean I can’t go?” She could feel tears pricking at the corners of her eyes already, which she hated.

“It’s part of the deal, Aurora. We can’t be married and live two-thousand miles apart. You’ll stay with me so I can keep you safe.”

“You can’t just take this away from me!” She pulled her hands out of his and backed up several steps to put space between them.

“Babygirl,” Dante’s voice had turned condescending—or at least that was how it sounded to Aurora—which made her even angrier. “This can’t be a surprise to you. You were well taken care of all this time, given everything you ever needed or wanted, and now you need to be a good girl and come with me to Chicago. We can easily get you into an excellent school there, I promise.”

“Fuck you!” Aurora spat at him. “I don’t have to do anything you say.”
