Page 5 of Mafia Doctor

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“Dante, is that you? We can talk about this if you’ll just untie me.”

Ignoring her completely, he said off-handedly, “Those nipples of yours are quite stiff, aren’t they?”

Aurora blushed.

“…and there was a nice big wet spot on these cute panties even before I teased that sensitive clit of yours.”

Her blush deepened.

“They’re soaked through now, of course. I can’t wait to take a look at these aching nipples.”

She didn’t know how to respond, especially since he hadn’t answered her earlier question. Even so, she couldn’t help asking, “What are you going to do to them?”

“Are you asking if I’m going to touch them, Aurora? Because I think you want me to touch them. Or are you asking if what I’m going to do will hurt?”

After pausing for a moment, Aurora replied, “Is… is it going to hurt?”

He leaned down and whispered into her ear yet again, “Yes, Aurora. It is going to hurt.”

As he said that, her body tensed, and her pussy clenched hard.

He seemed to notice, because he followed up with, “You need it to hurt, don’t you?”

Aurora lay there speechless until he pinched her right nipple through her shirt. Hard.

She cried out in pain just as he pinched the other, eliciting a second yelp from her.

“Answer me, Aurora. I expect the truth.”

The truth? How would he even know whether she was telling the truth?

He’ll know.

He always seemed to know. Even when his emails and calls had gone unanswered, he’d been able to track her down, and now it seemed he was able to read her body like a book.

A really dirty book.

After another long moment, he asked again, “Your pussy wants it to hurt, doesn’t it?”

This time, she replied right away with a “Yes…” that was more a moan than actual words.

He lifted the hem of her shirt, then a long moment passed before she felt cold metal against the bare skin of her tummy.

Was that a knife? A jolt of fear hit her as she realized that it was. She froze and breathed in deeply, attempting to keep her fight or flight response at bay.

With the distinct sound of rending cloth, the blade began a slow journey from just below her bellybutton, up through the valley between her breasts and all the way to her neck, until the front of her shirt had been fully cut open. He left the halves in place for now, resting precariously on her braless breasts, drawing out the process of baring her. Her anticipation built, as no doubt he wanted it to, until finally, with the gentlest of motions, he pulled the torn halves of the shirt apart to expose her upper body completely. Her quivering breasts and hard nipples were now fully on display for him.

As the cool air of the room wafted over her already achingly stiff nipples, Aurora felt the now-familiar sensation of her pussy clenching. As sensitive as her nipples had been during his gentle touches and his harder pinches through her shirt, she knew that sensitivity would be heightened exponentially now that the protection of the thin cloth had been taken from her.

Seconds passed, and then perhaps a minute, and he did nothing. She couldn’t tell for sure with her blindfold on, but she suspected he was simply enjoying the view. In normal circumstances, she might have said he was ogling her, but that didn’t seem to fit here. He wasn’t looking up her skirt as she went up an escalator or taking a surreptitious glance down her blouse as she sat drinking coffee at a café. She was bound, helpless, and almost completely nude. She wasn’t merely on display for him. It was as if she was meant to be looked at by him. As if her body knew that providing pleasurable viewing for him was part of her intended purpose.

You were meant to be his, and you like that he’s admiring you.

At last, she felt the movement of air on her skin as his hand descended, and a moment later, felt the touch of his fingertips on her bare right breast. He circled it, slowly and gently, before looping over to circle her left breast and ending back in the valley between them to complete the figure eight. He reversed his movements and retraced the course as he had before, this time a tiny bit closer to the nipple. Slowly, agonizingly slowly, he repeated this treatment several more times until his fingertips were just brushing against the edges of her little buds.

Her body strained upwards yet again as much as it could against her tight restraints, desperate for his fingers to touch her aching nipples next. But to her utter dismay, he lifted his fingertips away and traced them down her bare tummy, dipping one of them lightly into her belly button before running them once more over the front of her drenched panties, down one leg and up the other, and then back over the same course to begin circling her breasts again. By the time he was nearing her nipples once more, she was moaning.

“Do you want me to touch these pretty little nipples of yours, Aurora?” he asked in his husky tone which indicated that he, too, was struggling to control his arousal.
