Page 35 of On Ice

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I need your email address

Quinn Cooper:

[email protected]

Don’t laugh.

Erik Varg:

Never out loud.

You should get an email from Andrea Mills. If it hasn’t come through by the end of the day let me know. Andrea isn’t great with technology but I can ask Vic to give her a hand.

Quinn Cooper:

Um sure. I’ll look for an email from a woman I’ve never met.

Erik Varg:

She’s my brother’s neighbor.

Quinn Cooper:

His neighbor. Okay. Super clear now.

Erik Varg:

Trust me, Quinn.

Quinn Cooper:

I do.

Friday, 7:43 PM EST

Quinn Cooper:


Erik is this for real?

Erik Varg:

Is what for real? The insane hairball Loki left on my bathmat? Yes. Unfortunately, it is.

Quinn Cooper:

Gross Erik.

Erik Varg:

You mean ‘Gross Loki.’ He’s the one who did it.

Quinn Cooper:

You’re the one who overshared,

but that’s not what I meant…
