Page 43 of On Ice

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Erik Varg:

I am.

Quinn Cooper:

Your mom seemed to think it was because of me, but I didn’t even know you were planning to visit. Not that I needed to know. You’re definitely allowed to plan your own trips to see your family without telling the random girl you hooked up with once.

Erik Varg:

I’m coming to town for work.

Quinn Cooper:


So forget I said anything. Seriously.

Erik Varg:

And I planned for next week because I hoped you’d be off work. Chicago has a school vacation but I wasn’t sure about you guys.

Quinn Cooper:

It’s okay Erik, You don’t need to explain…

I should have realized your mom was kidding.

Or maybe being inappropriately hopeful.

Or something.

Erik Varg:

And I hadn’t figured out how to tell you without coming off like a creep.

Especially after you asked me to leave you alone. But then you started texting me and I thought maybe…

Quinn Cooper:

Maybe what, Erik?

Erik Varg:

Maybe you’d want to see me as much as I want to see you. Again.

Quinn Cooper:

How long are you going to be in town?

Erik Varg:

Fly out Wednesday night,

Fly home Sunday night.

Quinn Cooper:

I’d like that.
