Page 56 of On Ice

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My apartment’s about 35 minutes from the airport. I’ll let you know when I land so you don’t have to stay up.

Quinn Cooper:

Thank you.


I just worry.

Erik Varg:

That’s not something you need to apologize for.

Quinn Cooper:

I can’t afford to worry about you Erik.

This was just supposed to be one night and here I am asking you to tell me when you get home safely

Erik Varg:

I’m sorry.



Erik Varg:

Just walked in the door

Quinn Cooper:

Finally. I was going to send out a search party

Erik Varg:

Shit. Did I wake you? It must be 3am your time.

Go to bed. I figured you’d see this in the morning.

Quinn Cooper:

Technically it is the morning and I get up early anyway. How was your flight?

Erik Varg:

It was pretty standard. Almost everyone slept so just imagine being stuck in a room full of snoring people while you twiddle your thumbs and wait for sleep to take you too.

Quinn Cooper:

I don’t think I could ever sleep on a plane. If my death is coming I want to stare it in the face.

Also, the last time Jen slept on a flight, someone bumped into the flight attendant on a mad dash for the bathroom and she ended up wearing a whole can of tomato juice. No thanks.

Erik Varg:

My sympathies. I usually sleep on flights. Conked out before takeoff.
