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“You can do that?”

She twists in my arms until we’re chest to chest and I try to pull in air. I’m a professional athlete and I can’t catch my breath at the look in her eyes. It’s easier to suck in oxygen after missing a shift change during an icing call than when she looks at me with utter faith and trust.

“One empty club, coming right up.”

I look over her head to catch Robbie’s eyes and beckon him over. He knows the promoter here and this shouldn’t take much more than a check to cover the night's losses and a few minutes to clear out the other patrons.

“When Chris told me he wanted clean, wholesome content, I don’t think he thought I’d be performing at a burlesque club. Thank you, Vic, for doing this for me.”

As Robbie strides toward us, I wonder if she knows I’d do just about anything for her. Including keeping my hands to myself.


Is that my heart or the bass line?

Vic’s hands dragging across my skin, goosebumps rising as he leaves my whole body tingling.

A firm tug on my hair. My pussy clenching on absolutely nothing.

Swiveling my hips under the spotlight as I feel my arousal wet on my thighs.

A calloused hand sliding against my palm. Knuckles just big enough to leave my fingers aching as we interlock.

Cool air as we step outside. Grinding against the firm line of his back, seeking some kind of friction, as he hoists me up. My legs aren’t working when I try to walk, but we’re still moving down the sidewalk. My heels dangle from his fingertips.

The smell of roses. Petals baby soft as I rub my cheek against them.

A weight on my hand.

Gold glimmering in the light.

Soft lips sipping at mine. The pressure firm. I shiver. Soft enough for me to sink into him and never come back up. My tongue wants to join the fun.

A hard wall against my back as I breathe in through my nose. A muscular arm banded under me asmy legs twine around a slim waist. A groan pouring into my mouth as I suck his tongue.

Something hard pressed right between my thighs.

Rock my hips. No thoughts. Another groan.

A bruising grip on my hip as he pants over my face.

My name breathed over my lips. Hazel eyes shuttered, dark blonde lashes making half-moon shadows on tanned cheeks.

A hand slipping between my legs and finding my clit.

Circling, circling, circling, then a pinch and I’m coming.

Coming and coming and coming.

And then…

I think I’ve made a horrible mistake.

But I can’t bring myself to regret a single second.

I didn’t close the curtains before falling asleep, and the sun has decided my eyes are the perfect place to focus their brightness. Something I didnotintend to sign up for. I squeeze them even tighter, but instead of blissful black on the back of my eyelids, I’m seeing the haze of orange. My mouth is painfully dry, making it hard to swallow, and my head and limbs feel heavy; sorer than I expected. I have no idea what time it is, although the sun is a hint that my scheduled wake-up call didn’t come as planned.

I should roll over and check the clock, but I’m too warm and comfortable to care right now. Lack of light-blocking curtains and wake-up call mishaps aside, this hotel has quality mattresses. The blanket must be weighted too, sitting low on my back, cocooning me in three-hundred-and-sixty-degree heat. My head doesn’t feel great, but the rest of me does. Which is a win, considering I have very little memory of last night after meeting Vic in the lobby.
