Page 101 of Icing It

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Just then, Cam strolls up to the table.

"Well, this is a cozy little group.”

I'm so relieved to see him. Cam always knows how to handle any situation. Or at least he seems to. He never lets anything fluster him.

"Hey, man. You remember Luna,” I say dryly. “And you know Coach Phillips. Her other boyfriend."

Cam's brows both rise as he looks from me to Luna to Coach.

"Okay, then," he says. "Nice to see you all."

"Owen," Luna says. "This is Cam. Alexsei 's best friend and roommate."

"And the other guy Luna's been sleeping with," Cam adds.

Luna sighs, Owen straightens on his stool, and I grin.

“And my boyfriend," I say.

Cam looks at me in shock, which is replaced a second later by heat.

We haven’t talked about if we are going to tell anyone, and if we do come out as a couple, who we tell. But in that moment, I realize I want to claim him. I don't care who knows. I love him. And after everything, all the years that he waited around for me, it feels like I need to be the one to take this first public step.

We're just staring at each other, heat zinging between us, when Luna grasps my hand and reaches across the table to grab Cam’s.

She squeezes both of us, smiling widely. "That was awesome. I'm really happy for you guys."

I grin at her and Cam gives her an I-don't-know-what-to-do-with-you look, but a smile tugs up at one corner of his mouth. I think he’s not sure what to do with her, because he’s surprised by the way she makes him feel.

Owen finally says, "What the hell is going on?"

Luna squeezes our hands again before turning to him. "It's not that hard to keep up with. Alexsei and Cam are in love. They're in a relationship."

"But you've been sleeping with both of them."

"Yeah. But together. They both knew about it. I mean we all did it at the same time.”

Owen stares at her. "Together."

And then the feisty little blonde who we’re all falling too hard and too fast for says, "Yes. Together. Though, Alexsei has actually been the one getting the most benefits. Cam has been very stingy with his cock and his mouth when it comes to me." She delivers that while looking directly at my best friend.

I choke on my drink of beer. Owen just sits with his mouth hanging open. Cam simply gives her a smirk.

"All you asked me for was a kiss, Pixie," he says.

"Oh, I have to ask for the rest?"

He leans in and pins her with a hot gaze. "No, you have to beg."

The temperature ratchets up around the table. And it isn't entirely sexual.

She leans in, too, with a grin. "Well, you might have noticed that I have two other big, handsome, happy-to-oblige-me men, so don't hold your breath waiting for that."

Cam grins at her. A full, wide, genuine grin.

Which makes me grin. I love these two people so damned much.

"So, Mr. Phillips," Cam says, looking at Owen.
