Page 103 of Icing It

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"God," she says, but it’s more of a moan than an actual word.

I lift my head and look past her to Owen. I know he heard every word I just said.

I don't know him super well, but he was an athlete, he's a coach, there has to be a competitive streak in there somewhere.

But before I can issue any kind of challenge to him out loud, Luna says, "Owen made me come three times in a row. Twice before he came once. Before he even fucked me."

Her voice is soft enough that no one else in the bar can hear, but the three men she’s sitting with definitely heard every word.

I sit back, realizing that I should feel a much stronger stab of jealousy. But I know what she's doing.

She's playing my own game.

Because I don't know Owen that well, but I for sure have a competitive streak.

I look from Owen to Cam — who is sitting back watching this whole thing with a knowing look on his face and a stupid smirk on his gorgeous mouth — then to Luna. I put a finger under her chin and turn her to face me.

I meet her gaze, and say simply, "Game. On."



I make note of several things on our way from the bar to our apartment.

One, Alexsei never lets go of Luna's hand. Two, Owen never stops touching her, either. In the car—we all share an Uber because, of course, no one was going to get into a vehicle without Luna—the two hockey guys put her in between them in the back while I take the passenger seat. Owen keeps his hand on her thigh while Alexsei holds her hand.

On our way up to the apartment, Alexsei continues to hang onto her as if he’s afraid of getting lost in a crowd, and Owen's hand rests on her lower back.

I bring up the rear, partly amused, partly exasperated.

This might be a terrible idea.

It also might be brilliant.

For her part, Luna seems content, slightly befuddled, and because she's kind of a brat, mildly amused as well.

She knows these two guys are trying to stake their claim on her and she's enjoying every fucking minute.

All of these observations have combined to help me figure out exactly how this is going to go.

And yes, I'm going to be in charge.

Owen definitely gives off an in-charge vibe. He's a coach. He’s a dad. He's the oldest of us. But he's never done this group thing before. And he's also the third guy to come into Luna's life. Alexsei and I were here first. And we’re not going anywhere.

Coach Phillips needs to figure that out. He needs to understand how a group like this works and he needs to quickly get over seeing two other men with his girl.

He's either going to be in or out, and the sooner he makes that decision, the better for all of us.

Alexsei unlocks our door and pushes it open, ushering Luna through it. Because he refuses to take his hand off of her, Owen steps through the doorway behind her, brushing past Alexsei.

Alexsei glowers at him.

Yeah, we need to establish some ground rules here quickly.

I let the door shut behind me and stop, hands in my pockets.

"Luna,” I say, firmly.
