Page 108 of Icing It

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That’s what this is.

Like, in the hall of fame of Bad Fucking Ideas, this is top five.

And about to engage in group sex might be understating it. Luna is currently getting her pussy lapped at by Alexsei while Cameron—who I can’t decide if I admire or hate—is playing with her nipples. Group sex has already started.

And Luna? She’s loving every second of it.

She’s making the most incredible little mewling sounds of pleasure. Her head is thrown back and her eyes are half-closed.

It’s already started without me and I hate that, but… I’m not hating how Luna is reacting.

Luna is moaning and gripping Alexsei’s hair. He’s groaning her name and saying things like, “Fuck, you’re so delicious. I love your pussy.”

Taking another step closer, wanting to be in her orbit, I marvel that I can feel this level of pain and lust simultaneously. My jaw is so tight I’m going to have a major migraine by tomorrow if I don’t lighten up.

But I don’t know how to do this. How to process what the fuck I’m looking at and feeling. How to jump in, or even if I truly want to.

“Come here, Coach,” Cam says.

I glare at him. This fucking guy. I was prepared for the fact that Luna was into Alexsei. But I wasn’t aware that Alexsei had a boyfriend who is a bossy prick.

Or the swirl of conflicting emotions it would create in me to see Luna obeying him without question. See her mouth wrapped around another man’s cock… hell, yeah, that made me jealous.

I want her mouth on my cock.

Common sense tells me I should walk out of this apartment and go back to my regularly scheduled life.

There’s no way I can do that.

“Get over here and help make our girl feel good,” Cameron tells me, clearly reminding me what this is about–Luna and all of us.

It’s all or none. I have to be all in or all out. I’m torn, agonizing over how she’s writhing under the dual attention of Alexsei and Cam.

Luna decides to help. “Come here, Owen. Come touch me,” she pleads softly.

Nothing will draw me forward faster than Luna reaching out for me. If she wants me, I have to be there for her.

“Fuck.” But I stomp forward. I don’t mean to stomp, but I do, because fucking hell, this is confusing and hot.

Maybe that will change when I’m hemmed in on all sides by a couple of naked guys fucking my girl, but for right now, I have to admit, it’s fascinating to see how aroused Luna is. Cam moves out of the way for me, and I slide in behind Luna, hands immediately cupping her breasts.

Luna sighs against me, her hips undulating, restlessly trying to get more from Alexsei. She loops one arm up around my neck, leaning into me fully, moaning louder as Alexsei slides a finger into her pussy.

“Yes,” she begs. “More, Alexsei.”

Part of my brain is insisting it should be my name on her lips, but another part is reminding me that Cam is right—this is about her. What she wants. What she craves.

Human beings have complex physical and emotional needs. It’s arrogant as fuck to assume I could be all things for her at all times. If they can give her greater pleasure, I need to be man enough to let them.

If one of the hockey moms I had hooked up with over the years had asked to bring along a female friend, I have no doubt I would have jumped at the chance. Because sex is fun. It wasn’t something I would have sought out, but I would have been open to it. The more the fucking merrier, right?

Alexsei pulls back and Luna moans in disappointment. “Don’t stop.”

He says something in Ukrainian. I’ve only heard him speak in his native language a few times, so he’s either really into it or they have a private joke. Or both.

“What did you just say?”

“This is the best I’ve ever tasted. Five star dining.”
