Page 121 of Icing It

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“You had a date the other night?” Crew asks with a grin. “No way. I didn’t think you dated.”

I frown, but I’m not sure which of them I’m more irritated with. Of course I date. But I don’t talk about it with my players.

Which makes me even more irritated.

Because the date wasn’t a date to start with. Because she was on a date with one of my players.


Alexsei nods. “Oh yeah, he dates. Really hot girl the other night.”

Alexsei. I’m definitely more irritated with Alexsei.

Crew’s brows are up. “Yeah? Nice. Good for you.”

“Get dressed,” I tell them both. “Need you on the ice in five minutes.”

“Did you have fun?” Alexsei asks me. In front of Crew. “You never said.”

No, I didn’t say. We all had breakfast together. We all made small talk as if we hadn’t just had the hottest sexual experience of my life. As if I hadn’t awakened with Luna lying on my chest, but my leg wedged up against Alexsei’s and Cam’s breathing on the other side of the two bodies between us and I hadn’t freaked out. As if I hadn’t contemplated just getting the hell out of there for about thirty minutes, pacing in front of the huge living room windows. As if I hadn’t been unable to leave, but I hadn’t been able to go back to bed, so I’d slept on the couch and felt just as fucking awkward about that as I would have waking up next to Alexsei and Cam.

Okay, almost as awkward as I would have felt waking up next to them.

I don’t have a problem with those two guys being together. In fact, they seem great for each other.

I didn’t have a problem with Luna being with them, either. Which had shocked me.

After Cam had dropped everything on me, I’d watched Luna with them both during breakfast.

They do make her happy.

And they have a different dynamic with her than I do. Each of their dynamics with her is different.

Cam teases and bickers with her. But I can tell her snarky comebacks and sassiness are completely natural for her.

Alexsei dotes on her. He touches her constantly, rubbing her back, and kissing the top of her head whenever he passes by. He tells her she’s amazing and gorgeous and she practically preens for him.

I don’t think I could do any of those things with her if I tried. I don’t have the sharp sense of humor Cam does. And I can’t treat her like a porcelain doll the way Alexsei does.

I want to hold the door open for her and then whisper something dirty in her ear as she passes by me. I want to just sit at her bakery counter and go over game plans while she finishes up her own work.

Fuck me, I want to take her home to meet my mom.

So, with the realization that Cam was right about everything and that if I want a relationship with her long-term, I’m going to have to be okay being a part of a foursome and then realizing that I’m probably not a foursome guy, I decided to get the hell out of there. When Alexsei started making out with her while they were doing the dishes and she reached out, trying to pull me into it, I almost let the door hit my ass on the way out.

“I don’t think we need to discuss my personal life in the locker room,” I tell him. “Get dressed.”

“Oh, come on,” Alexsei says. “I’ll tell you about my date. She was amazing.”

Crew looks from him to me and back. “Damn, boys. Way to go. Glad you’re both out there having fun.”

“So much fun,” Alexsei agrees. “I actually think I’m falling in love.”

I suck in a sharp breath.

He’s going to tell Crew that?

He and Crew are buddies. McNeill isn’t going to let that go.
