Page 135 of Icing It

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It sends a jolt of desire pinging through my pussy.

Then he murmurs in my ear. “I really, really like you, goddess of the moon.”

It makes me shiver as I glance back at him over my shoulder. “I really like you, too, crooked nose.”

“You looked up the meaning of my name?” he asks.

“Of course.”

“My mother doesn’t believe in names giving attributes to infants. She believes in DNA.”

I push the wine bottle in his hand. “Open this. And put that popcorn in the microwave.”

He grimaces. “Wine with popcorn?”

“Yes. Wine goes with everything. So does popcorn.”


“Takes one to know one.”

When the popcorn is ready, I pour it into a bowl and we head back to the couch and settle in to watch the game. It’s stressful sitting here, unable to do anything other than shove popcorn into my mouth and watch Alexsei on the screen, defending the puck and setting up shot after shot for Crew to take.

Cam must feel the same way because he’s refilled his wine glass twice and asked me if I have another bottle. I go and retrieve it for him to open.

“They have to win,” I say, tucking my feet under my legs and leaning forward, like getting closer to the TV will change the outcome. The Racketeers are up by three, but you can’t count Seattle out until the final buzzer.

“They will.” Cam is more relaxed, whether it’s the wine or the score, I can’t tell.

At some point, his hand falls onto my knee and he’s stroking it absently. When a commercial comes on, he turns to me. “You’ll have to guide me.”

I have no idea what he’s talking about. “What?”

“How to eat your pussy. I’ve never done it before. To any woman.”

I’m so stunned, I just stare at him. I feel like he’s been having a conversation about this in his head without me. That seems like a very Cam thing to do. “Okay. Do you want to eat my pussy?”

“Yes.” He nods, firmly.

I have the sudden realization that he needed the wine to make this confession. I feel a wave of tenderness toward Cam. I know how he feels. It’s hard to show pieces of yourself. “Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m fucking sure.” His hand shifts higher, teasing at the seam of my sweats. “I want to taste you, Luna. I want to make you come.”

Heat blooms between my legs. “Then I would love to guide you.” I shouldn’t say anything, but I do anyway. “Too bad Owen isn’t here. He could give you some amazing oral sex instructions.”

“Fuck that guy,” Cam says. The commercial break is over and he turns back to the TV.

I do want to fuck that guy. I’m even glancing at the bench to see if I can spot Owen. But instead, because it’s not fair to lament one man when another is offering to give me pleasure, I lift my wine glass. “Should we wait to see who wins the game?”

“We probably should. Alexsei will be disappointed if we don’t.”

So we settle in to watch the rest of the game. I put my feet on Cam’s thighs in a hint for him to massage them. He blatantly ignores them.

“Rub my feet,” I finally say in the third period, wiggling my toes up and down.

“No, thank you.” He continues to stare at the game, his hands six inches from my feet.

That makes me laugh. “Cam, please? I’ve been on my feet all day. Pretty please?”
