Page 140 of Icing It

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“Oh God, both of you stop. You’re embarrassing me.” Luna’s cheeks are pink. “Mom, do you want some coffee?”

“Can I take a peek at the wedding cake you did?” Lori asks. “I’ve been dying to see what you created.”


Brady is holding the last box. “I’m ready to head out.”

“Okay, thanks, be careful with everything.”

He nods and heads toward the front door.

“If anyone comes in, just call for me, okay?” Luna says to me.

“I can handle it.” I tip her chin up and stare into those brilliant blue eyes. “I love you.”

Those blue eyes widen. Her jaws drops. I use my finger to push it closed.

Then I kiss her briefly before turning back to her computer. “This software is really antiquated. I’m installing something better.”

I’ve made her speechless and I’m very proud of that. She just stands there for a few seconds before whirling around and going into the kitchen. I don’t need her to say it back. I know I caught her off-guard. That’s kind of my thing. Smash and grab when it comes to emotions. I’ll let the words sink in for a minute.

As Luna and Lori head into the kitchen, I hear a stage whisper from Lori. “Did he just say he loves you?”

“Mom,” Luna says firmly. “Do not listen to that and then look at this wedding cake and start planning a wedding for me. I’m serious.”

That gives me pause.

I’ve never given a lot of thought to marriage, but…

“Shit, shit, shit,” Brady says, stumbling in the front door, his hand pressed to his forehead.

“What’s wrong?”

“I…” He swallows hard. “I wrecked Luna’s van.”

Shit, shit, shit is right.

I slam the laptop closed and stride over to him. “Are you okay?”

“I hit my head on the dashboard, but I’m okay.” He lifts his hand and shows me a cut above his eyebrow that’s weeping blood.

It looks deep, but not life threatening, but if he hit his head, he might have a concussion. “We need to take you in to be checked out. Where is the van?”

“I don’t need to see anyone. I’m fine, I swear. I’ve taken harder hits in hockey. The van is wrapped around a pole.” Brady looks like he’s on the verge of tears. “Some guy just appeared out of nowhere on a bike and I had to swerve hard.”

Grabbing napkins from the bakery counter, I roll them into a tight band so they don’t stick to his skin and hand it to him. “Press this against it and sit down. I’ll be right back.”

Brady groans. “We need to get that stuff delivered and Luna’s going to freak out. She’s so stressed right now.”

“I’ll deal with the delivery.” I’m already pulling my phone out. “And Luna. Just give me a second.”

When I step out onto the busy sidewalk, I see the van immediately. Brady didn’t even get fifty feet down the street. That helps with the time crunch, at least. I study the damage. It’s not as bad as he made it sound. Wrapped around a pole was a gross exaggeration, thank God. He tapped the pole and dented the bumper. But the rim is caught on the curb.

The real concern is that if he hit the dash, he obviously wasn’t wearing his seatbelt. I push my glasses up on my nose and use the tow truck app to arrange for the van to be taken to a garage. Then I start transferring the baked goods to my car. Luna needs to deliver a wedding cake. Brady and I can drop off this stuff, and then I’ll take him to the ER. A few people are glancing at the van, but for the most part, everyone is going about their day. This is a thriving neighborhood with lots of couples, tourists, and parents jogging with their babies in strollers.

Five minutes later, I’m back in the shop and Brady is shaking his head miserably as Luna and Lori fuss over him. Lori has removed the napkin from his forehead and is inspecting his cut.

“How’s the van?” Luna asks nervously when she sees me.
