Page 158 of Icing It

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Studying him, I believe him. I can sense his relief and acceptance.

This is going to work out.

I can’t believe the surge of happiness I feel.

“You don’t really seem like a grand gesture kind of guy,” I tell him.

He blows out a breath. “I’m not. But I’m willing to try for her.”

That makes me smile. “You don’t actually need to do anything other than be honest.”

He puts his hands up like he’s going to gesticulate, then realizes he’s holding the flowers. “I don’t know why I brought these.”

“I don’t either. Where did you get those?”

“The gas station. It was a desperate impulse.”

That’s a hell no. I reach for the flowers. “You’re not taking those upstairs. Luna doesn’t need those.” I don’t fucking need those in my apartment. “She just needs you to apologize and tell her how you feel.”

Owen lets me take the flowers from him. “Do you think she’ll listen?”

“Of course she’ll listen.” I toss the bouquet on the coffee table in front of the sofa. “She loves you, Owen. She’s been miserable without you.”

“But she has you and Alexsei.”

I sigh and turn to face him. “Really? How the fuck are you still not getting this?” I shake my head. “Yes, she’s been happy with me and Alexsei. But she’s been unhappy without you. She wants all of us. Together.”

Owen groans. “I know, I know. I don’t know why I said that. That’s why I’m here. I love her. I get it. I want to be a part of the big picture, Luna and you and Alexsei and my kid and the McNeill’s and everyone and everything else that comes with being part of a family, in a loving relationship.” Owen takes a deep breath. “I’m all in. For life.”

“Then that’s what you need to tell her.” I clap him on the shoulder. “And maybe grovel, just a little at the end. It can’t hurt.”

Owen winces. “Grovel. Got it.” Then he seems to pull himself together. “Hey,” he says as we walk toward the elevator.


“You’re a good friend. I appreciate you.”

It makes me feel more than I would have expected. But I respect Owen, as a man, as a father, as a coach. My chest tightens. “I appreciate you, too.” I smack the button for the elevator.

Then because I figure he needs a confidence booster and a bit of levity going into this, I add, “Though I did not appreciate having to fill your oral-sex shoes. You’re a hard act to follow, Coach.”

That makes Owen grin. “Well, no worries. I’m back now. To stay.”



I hear the door to the apartment open and close and assume Cam is already back. He said he needed to run downstairs to grab a package. I didn’t ask what was being delivered this late. I’m too focused on my cupcakes.

“She’s rage baking,” I hear Cam say. “We got her a stand mixer and a bunch of pans and bowls and utensils a while back. She’s using the hell out of them tonight.”

I frown. Who is with Cam? He went down for a package and came back with a person? Maybe it’s Rob. He’s funny. Maybe the package was so big, Cam needed an extra pair of hands to bring it up. I’ll definitely give Rob some cupcakes.

And it’s not rage baking. Exactly. It’s just baking. I just happen to be doing it while I’m mad. And hurt. And upset. And wound up from the game, from the win, from the excitement, from being with everyone I love for such a big night…which just made me miss Owen even more.

Which pisses me off.

Okay, maybe it’s a little ragey.
