Page 30 of Icing It

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“Me either. You’re so quiet and reserved. Were you in the same dorm, is that how she approached you?”

“Yes, our rooms were next to each other. I might have been playing my music very loud and twerking when she knocked on the door.” Luna smiles.

I clear my throat, picturing her on a dorm bed in panties and a tight T-shirt, back arched as she shook her ass. I bet she was the girl in college who would have wound up on Alexsei’s shoulder at some point during a party. He used to love to pretend to pairs skate after he had a six-pack in him.

Another reason he and Luna are a good fit.

“We were best friends in a matter of days. We threw a Harry party, and that sealed the deal.”

I frown. “What’s a hairy party? Everyone wears a fake mustache?” I’ve never understood theme parties.

Luna laughs. “No. Harry. The name. You come dressed as a famous Harry.”

“Oh. By the way, you don’t have the ass for twerking,” I tell her. “It’s too small. My hand is bigger than one of your cheeks.”

The cheeks on her face get red and her mouth drops open. It takes her a second to speak, and I know the memory of me spanking her is rolling through her mind.

“Rude,” she finally says. “I absolutely can twerk.”

“Prove it to me.”

Luna snorts. “I’m not falling for that.”

“Come home with us tonight,” I murmur.

“No, thank you.” She looks away again.

Five minutes pass without her saying anything.

I can’t stand how easy it is for her to ignore me. She’s such a fucking brat.

I grab a handful of the popcorn that’s perched in her lap. She always gets popcorn.

“Hey! Get your own popcorn.”

“I won’t ask you again,” I warn her. “Come home with us. Last chance.” I toss a piece of her popcorn in my mouth and stand up.

We stare at each other.

She doesn’t blink.

I don’t blink.

Then a weird fucking thing starts to happen. As we face off in a staring contest, a classic battle of wills, I start to get turned on.

She does, too.

I see the subtle change. Her eyes widen. Her tongue flicks across her lower lip. Her pale blue eyes darken. She lifts her head, her body leaning toward my thighs.

A slow heat builds inside me, my dick hardening. I’m thinking about cracking my hand on the curve of her tight ass and making her moan in pleasure before I…

“Can you sit down?” an exasperated voice from behind me asks. “We’re trying to watch the game!”

The woman’s voice breaks the sexual spell that was brewing between me and Luna.

“Sorry.” I turn and shift sideways without another word, heading toward the aisle. I don’t return to my seat. Instead, I jog up the steps to the exit, needing some air.

I run my hands through my hair.
