Page 37 of Icing It

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"Well, I think I would take you up on that."

Oh boy. I feel heat arc through me and I don’t even know why exactly. Except I must've said something accidentally sexual and my body is reacting instinctively to the tone in her voice.

This is what I get for not being online more.

I clear my throat. "Well, your cake is fucking delicious,” I say, emphasizing the word. “Best I’ve ever had."

Her grin grows. "Wow."

Okay, that made it worse, not better. Why did that make it worse?

I swallow and open my mouth to say something that I hope comes out smart when Alexsei strolls back into the kitchen.

He gives me just a nod, but his eyes then immediately go to Luna. I notice how she straightens, and her cheeks immediately get pinker.

"There were two things I forgot to say,” he tells her.

Her eyes go wide and she glances at me and then back to him. "Okay."

"I think you're amazing. And I miss you." He takes a deep breath, then nods. "Yeah, there's all the things I needed to say." Then he pivots on his heel again and walks out of the kitchen.

She stares after him, mouth hanging open.

I just wait. I have no idea what to say.

After ten seconds of silence, she snaps her mouth shut and looks at me. “See what I mean?"

I'm actually swallowing another bite of cake, so I cough slightly and nod. "That was nice."

She frowns. "Nice? He came in and said that, and then still doesn't ask me out? He could have asked me to come home with him after the party if he misses me so fucking much. Even if that's all he wants."

Okay, now we are talking about sex, I'm ninety-nine percent sure. "But isn't it nice that he's not asking you to just come home with him? After what he just said, it seems like he's into you."

She props her hands on her hips. "Then why doesn't he ask me out?"

I honestly can't answer that. "I'm sticking with the head injury excuse."

That takes a little bit of the tension out of her shoulders and she lets out a little breathy laugh. She shakes her head and moves closer to me to start cutting and plating more cake.

I have my hip propped against the center island where the cake, plates, and utensils are all set. She’s now close enough that I can smell her light, spicy scent. I can definitely smell the sugar and chocolate from the cake, and the coffee brewing on the counter, but there’s an extra spiciness in the air now that Luna’s closer.

"Were you still playing hockey when you met your wife?" Then she shakes her head. "I mean, obviously, right? Brady is sixteen. You can’t be retired from playing for that long."

I finish off my cake and set the plate down reluctantly. I brush my hands together.

"No, I played ‘til I was about twenty-eight. Brady was nine then. But I'm not married. His mom and I never did that. We share custody and get along, but it’s never been more.”

That was probably way more than she needed to know. I have no idea why I’m feeling so rattled with this girl.

Her eyes fly to mine and she straightens like she did when Alexsei walked into the room. "Oh really? You're single?"

Luna looks very interested in that information and something about that makes my heart kick against my rib cage.

"Yes. Hockey and Brady have taken up a lot of time and energy."

"Brady's a great kid."

"Thank you. I hope I can take some credit for that. But you just never know."
