Page 43 of Icing It

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Lydia giggles.

I glare at him. “Don’t ‘dude’ me.”

“Nice seeing you, Owen,” Luna says, giving me a smile before returning to the kitchen with a wave.

I watch her go, sighing, even as I check out her ass, which is really inappropriate.

“You’re being weird,” Brady accuses me.

He’s right. I don’t even bother to deny it.

“Just give me the damn eclairs.” I want to say the fucking eclairs, but I restrain myself. “And I expect you home right after the bakery closes so you can study. You have that calculus test tomorrow.”

“I know. Now just go before you mess everything up.”

Lydia gasps. “Brady…”

That makes me pause. “Mess what up?” I take my wallet out and pull out my debit card for the eclairs. “Ring me up.”

The bells over the front door jangle and I turn automatically when both Brady and Lydia cast a fearful glance toward the door.

“That’s him,” Lydia murmurs.

“Who him?” I ask, narrowing my eyes.

The guy who has just walked is in his mid-twenties, covered in tattoos, sporting long hair and multiple piercings. He pauses, taking in first the bookstore, then the bakery. He hesitates when he sees us and alarm bells go off in my brain.

Are these damn kids buying weed?

I will fucking kill Brady if he fails a drug test for hockey when I’m shelling a ton of money out on his gear and traveling team.

“Dad, just be cool,” Brady says.

“Oh, I’ll be cool.” I shove my wallet back in my pocket so I have both hands if I need to grab this guy by the coat collar and throw him out.

The guy approaches and gives a friendly smile. “Hey, um, is Luna here?”

“Let me go get her.” Lydia disappears faster than I’ve ever seen her move.

I don’t understand why and I don’t like whatever is happening here.

“Thanks,” the guy says and rocks back on his heels, shoving his hands down into the pocket of his jeans.

I give him a friendly smile, determined to make sure this is all on the up and up. “So how do you know Luna?” I ask.

“Dad…” Brady gives me a warning look.

“I, um…” The guy rubs the back of his head. “I’ll just wait over there for her.” He retreats to the nearest bookshelf.

“What are you doing?” Brady hisses. “Lydia is going to be so pissed at me.”

Now I’m totally confused. “Why? Who the hell is that guy?”

Brady sighs and leans forward onto the counter, like he’s giving up. “Lydia and me thought Luna is so cool and works too hard and maybe she needs to have some fun. So we might have made her a profile on a dating app.”

That’s almost worse than buying drugs. “You did what? Does she know about it?”

He shakes his head rapidly. “No. And it was mostly Lydia’s idea.”
