Page 51 of Icing It

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I blow out a breath. "I guess that's true.” Then I shake my head. Then laugh. “I like them both so much. It's hard to be mad at them. But this is really shoving me in your face."

Owen’s grin is a little crooked and he almost looks shy for a moment. Wow. I am really not used to that. The guys I hang out with are fairly confident, even if they shouldn't be.

I find myself taking a step closer to him.

His gaze drops to my mouth and then comes back to my eyes and I feel a surprising arc of heat sizzle through me.

“I wouldn't mind having you shoved anywhere."

I blink at him and can't help a little snort.

He closes his eyes and groans. "Jesus. That sounded terrible."

I laugh louder. "It was cute."

He shakes his head but meets my gaze. "I think I'm a little old to be cute."

I lift my shoulder. "I don't think your cuteness got the memo."

Well fuck, I'm flirting. And I'm not sure I'm doing a very good job of it. That was kind of a dorky thing for me to say. But he doesn't seem to mind.

"The kids went to a lot of work here," he says.

I lift a brow. "Did they? I don't think they paid for any of this. They didn't help me bring it over and set it up. And they only made about half of these cupcakes."

He looks thoughtful for a moment. "You know, we could really torture them for this."

“I'm intrigued. Tell me more."

"You like the idea of torture?"

"Oh, sometimes it's warranted."

"Well, I think, I should ask you out."

"Really?" I'm amazed to feel my heart actually flip over in my chest. And I don't mind it. "And how does that torture them?"

"We go out, and I refuse to tell them anything about it. As do you."

I nod. "Right. So they're trying to kind of get us together, it will kill them if they don't actually get any details."

"Yeah, something like that."

"You know what would be even better?"

He leans in, and I'm not even sure that it's a conscious movement. "What's that?"

"If I spend the night at your place and happen to leave something behind, and Brady finds it, wonders about it, but nobody's dishing any details."

Why the fuck did I just say that?

Heat flares in Owen’s eyes and I realize oh that’s why. I wanted a reaction from him.

And yes, there’s a part of me that wants to spend the night with him.

I don’t know about the dating thing, but sex? Yeah, I think that sounds pretty good. Stress reliever. I could definitely use that.

I can tell I surprised him in spite of the heat. Maybe by the time women hit thirty-six they aren’t quite so assertive.
