Page 57 of Icing It

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The guy has no idea how badly I want to punch him in the face.

Because it's pretty clear that Coach Phillips just asked the woman I'm falling in love with out on a date.

And she said yes.



I can’t take it anymore.

Alexsei had a great game.


Yet he’s sitting in the passenger seat of my car rubbing his temples and looking and sounding pissed off and miserable.


It’s destroying me to hear him like this.

“Coach Phillips asked her out, and she just said yes, man. Just like that. ‘I can do that. I guess I’ll see you at eight.’” Alexsei gives a howl of frustration and slams his fist into the dashboard. “What a dick. He pretended at Crew’s birthday party to be all concerned about me and do you know what he was doing?”

I have an idea. But Alexsei needs to get this out. “What was he doing?” I ask obediently.

“He was pumping me for information. He wanted to see where I stood, hear if she rejected me or not because the whole time, the whole goddamn time, he wanted to make a play for her himself.” Alexsei groans again, like a wounded animal. “All while I was respecting her boundaries. This is your fault. You told me to let her come to me.”

I’m driving us home, Alexsei having texted me again after first saying he didn’t need a ride, retracting it and saying he needed to get the fuck out of there. Now. My hands gripping the steering wheel tightly, as I’m forced to acknowledge what I thought was true, but I was trying to ignore. Alexsei has fallen for Luna hard. Like as hard-as-my-cock-when-I’m-in-him-hard. Which means I have to fix this for him, with her, because if I can’t make Alexsei fall in love with me—there, I fucking said it—then I want him to be able to be with whoever he does fall in love with.

It looks pretty damn clear that someone is Luna. If not fully in love with her yet, he will be with the slightest bit of encouragement.

He’s right. I did tell him to hold back and give her space. Let her make the first move. I thought if he pushed too hard, she’d balk. Which was obviously a fuck-up.

It can be fixed, though.

“But that was what, February?” I ask. “It’s the middle of March. Maybe he wasn’t thinking that then.”

Maybe he was. I don’t know what the fuck the guy was thinking. But I do know that Alexsei’s career could be jeopardized if he suddenly decides to give the Racketeers assistant coach a hard time at practice. If he has attitude about following direction from Coach Phillips. Or if he can’t keep his head in the game.

Alexsei’s financial security, his identity, his passion, are all dependent on hockey.

He can’t be angry with his coach. I will fix this.

“If he was interested in her at the party, wouldn’t he have asked her out then?” I ask, slowing to a stop at a red light to glance over at him. Alexsei is slumped against the window, smacking it a couple of times with his temple just to express his outrage, his hair still damp from his shower. I want to push the hair that’s flopping into his face back out of the way, but I restrain myself.

I always restrain myself.

Always have. Always will. Because I’m not touchy-feeling and I’m not ruled by my emotions and I refuse to ruin my friendship with Alexsei all because I have feelings for him that go beyond what they should or he thinks they do. That’s not what he wants from me.

I want him to be happy, damn it.

“Maybe he was just being a pussy,” Alexsei grumbles.

“Maybe he’s gotten to know her better over the last month since his kid is working at her bakery and he developed feelings for her.” I’ve heard Luna discussing Brady with Dani and she thinks he’s a good kid.

“Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

“Yes. It is. I’m just saying that maybe he was sincere when he was talking to you at that party.”
