Page 65 of Icing It

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She’s making that clear.

It’s the hottest fucking thing ever.

“Since you asked so nicely.” I brush my lips over hers in a barely-there kiss, as I reach between her thighs and give her clit a pinch. When she gasps, I release and step back. “Sweet dreams, Pixie.”

Then we’re out the door and Alexsei is dragging his hands through his hair. “What the fuck was that?” he asks.

“That was me making everybody happy,” I say, jogging down the stairs. “You’re welcome.”



Whistling, I put six bottles of the sparkling water I know Luna likes in my shopping cart, anticipating she’ll need to be well-hydrated for what I have planned for her. I add a jug of iced tea and six different kinds of pop because I don’t know what she likes.

“What is all this?” Cam asks as he turns from pulling a single can of an energy drink off the shelf. “Are you having a party or donating to a local food bank? Or maybe planning for the apocalypse?”

“I just want to be prepared for when Luna comes over Sunday.”

His eyebrows shoot up. “Prepared for what? To hold her hostage for a month and force feed her liquids?”

I grin. “That’s not a bad idea. Can you imagine spending twenty-four-seven with her for thirty days? Man, that sounds like heaven.”

“That sounds like a felony.” Cam flicks non-existent lint off of his coat. “She was very clear in her texts with us that this is a date with you and some sex with us, and then she’s going home. Don’t get your hopes up that you can charm her into staying for days on end like the first time.”

“Too late.” I already have my hopes up. Hell, it’s not even a hope. It’s pure determination. I can’t get enough of this girl and I want to steal every second I can with her between our busy schedules. Soon we’ll be heading to the playoffs and I’m going to be training hard.

I move down the aisle to the snack foods. “What munchies do you think she likes? I see her as a tortilla chips and salsa kind of girl.” I don’t know why, given she always smells like sugar and something else I can’t quite put my finger on. It’s just her. She always smells amazing and I am so fucking looking forward to easing my tongue between her thighs and lapping at her pussy until she draws out my name on a moan.

“Popcorn. She eats it at almost every game.”

“Oh. Okay.” But it makes me jealous Cam knows that, which is stupid. I’m on the ice. There’s no way I can get a great visual on her snack foods. But it makes me wonder if Cam is being totally honest about not talking to her at games. Which is also stupid, because why would he lie about that?

Cam is an honest guy. He’s actually brutally honest.

“Butter or no butter?”

“Extra butter.”

I’m scanning all the options.

Cam gives a huff of impatience. “I’m going to grab condoms so we don’t have to be here all damn day.”

“Why, do you have somewhere to be?”

“You know I hate the grocery store.”

He does. He much prefers ordering food online and getting it delivered to our doorstep. But I like to browse, which irritates him to no end.

With that, he strides down the aisle at a fast clip. I’m still debating between popcorn brands when I hear my name.

“Alexsei Ryan?” a woman asks.

Turning, I put a polite smile on my face, assuming it’s a Racketeers fan.

Instead, I see Sara, mine and Cam’s ex-girlfriend. “Sara,” I say, surprised to see her. “I thought you moved to L.A..”

“I did, but I’m back in town to visit my parents.” She holds her arms out for a hug. “It’s great to see you.”
