Page 67 of Icing It

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“They were. Until she dumped you.”

“Because we made her feel like a third wheel, apparently.” I don’t know why this is bothering me so much, but it does. I never want to hear that I made a woman I’m dating feel less than important. If I did something wrong, I want to be aware of it so I can make sure I don’t repeat the behavior.

“That’s not what we did.” He puts the boxes back on the shelf and I’m so caught off guard, I let him.

“Yeah, but, why would she say that?”

“I don’t know. Maybe because we live together, and she was only with us a few times a week. Neither one of us took her on solo dates. It could be anything. Don’t let it get to you.”

I realize he excluded himself from the dumping part. “Wait. What did you mean when you said she didn’t dump you? Did you keep dating her?” The very idea has me flabbergasted.

“What? No. Of course not. I mean, she wasn’t really there for me. She wanted you. I was just the side dish. She just put up with me to be with you.”

Understanding dawns. “And you put up with her to…”

Be with me.

Holy shit.

It feels like the foundation of everything I’ve ever understood about my friendship with Cam has just shifted. My palms are sweating and my mouth feels hot. I don’t know how to feel. Or what I feel.

Not upset.

Just… floored.

I care about Cam. A lot. He’s my best friend. I’d go to bat for him any day of the week and he’s loyal to me, too. And I like waking up in his bed with a woman. I like when we get caught up in the moment with a girl and… things happen between us.

I’m a sexually open guy. I believe anyone should do what and who they want. But I’m not attracted to any other men but Cam. I’m Cam-sexual. I enjoy it when he touches me in the heat of a threesome. He obviously enjoys it, too, because he keeps doing it.

I didn’t think it meant anything other than sex is sex and we have a good thing going.

But now I’m starting to wonder if it means more than I realized.

On both our ends.

Cam doesn’t react, though. He just says calmly, “I wasn’t putting up with her. We were having fun. I just think she wasn’t as open to actually dating as a threesome as she was into it in the bedroom. That’s all.”

I’m caught up in a tornado of thoughts and feelings that I don’t know what to do with. I just nod, absently.

Cam takes over pushing the cart. “Come on. Luna awaits.”

That snaps me out of it.

“Yeah,” I say gruffly, my mouth as dry as the desert and just as hot.

Luna. Who doesn’t want a relationship.

I sigh and grab the boxes off the shelf that Cam put back. “Don’t make Luna feel like a third wheel,” I say to Cam’s back. “You need to fuck her, do you understand?”

Cam stops and turns. He stares at me. Hard. “You’re telling me what I have to do?”

“Yes,” I say. “Or you’re not invited to join us.”

Maybe it’s a dick thing to say, but there is no way I’m risking losing Luna like we did Sara.

I expect push back. For him to say something hurtful, like maybe Luna won’t want just me. But he doesn’t, because Cam would never purposefully hurt my feelings.

Instead, he gives me a slow smile that kind of scares me. “I’m fucking her instead of you?”
