Page 71 of Icing It

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Surprised, I lean back in my chair. "In awe?"

"I've never dated anyone like you before."

"What about me makes me different? Besides the age?"

He gives me a quick, stern look, that I'll admit I kind of like. Owen seems very easy going for the most part. I know that he has a more aggressive side. I've seen him coach. But he's more mature than all of the guys I’ve dated, and with that just comes a confidence that means he doesn’t get worked up about little things.

"I actually don't think I've dated someone who doesn't have kids in years," he says. "For one thing."

"What else?" I'm fascinated to learn more about him. And I would say dating history and type say a lot about someone.

In my case, maybe not super complimentary things. Still, I want to know more about him.

"I don't think I've ever dated anyone who has been as involved in hockey as you probably are."

Before I can help myself, I roll my eyes.

"Oh, does that mean you don't know a lot about hockey?"

"I know a lot about hockey. And all of it, I’ve learned under duress."

He chuckles lightly. "Elaborate on that."

"Well, being Crew McNeill's sister isn't always a picnic."

Owen nods. "I can imagine that."

"Really? Usually the guys I date think being Crew’s sister has to be amazing. And when can they meet him?"

"Well, I've already met him. And a hundred guys like him. You don't have to worry about that with me."

I think about that. That's actually really nice. There's no way in hell Owen is interested in me in an attempt to get closer to Crew.

"I have a confession," I tell him.

"Oh, juicy stuff already. I can't wait," Owen says, leaning in further.

I smile. "You want to hear all my dark, dirty secrets, Owen?"

He nodded slowly. "I really do, Luna."

There's something in his tone of voice when he says my name that makes my stomach flip. And I want to tell him all of my dirty, dark secrets. But he's a dad. He's thirty-six. He's a responsible, mature adult. He's probably not into some of the dirty things I like. Oh well. He's a really nice guy, he brought me to Rinaldo’s on a date for the first time ever, and he actually seems interested in me. That makes up for a lot.

“Okay, confession secret number one, I don't really like hockey."

His hand goes over his chest. "Ouch. That's a big one."

I nod. "I know. It's a fine game. And I do know a lot about it. But, I'd literally been forced to watch it since Crew was old enough to skate."

"Can you skate?"

I give him a mock insulted look. "Almost better than Crew."

"That doesn't surprise me. You have a competitive streak."

"Yeah, for a lot of years, the best way to keep me from being super bored was to strap skates on me and let me loose on the other end of the rink during his private lessons."

"But you run into a lot of people who only think of you as Crew’s sister?"
