Page 9 of Icing It

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I lift my head to meet her gaze. "You sure?"

“I’m sure.”

"She got in the car with us,” Cam reminds me. “It wasn’t actually for pancakes. We all made it pretty damn clear what this was about."

Her gaze goes to him. "Oh, I’d better be getting pancakes out of this.”

See? Sassy. I love it and I can’t wait to see how Cam handles it. He’s not any more used to that than I am because he always picks women he knows I’ll like. Sweet, passive girls. Luna is a departure for us both and I can see how much he likes that about her, despite his seeming impatience. I know him well enough to see that simmering beneath the surface of his grumpy exterior, he’s turned on by Luna.

Probably more so than with any woman we’ve ever been with.

“No worries. You will definitely want to make us pancakes in the morning,” he tells her.

I watch her brows arch. She’s still looking at Cam.

“Is that right?” she asks. “I’m making the pancakes?”

I decide to let him take it from here.

“You’ll be wrung out on pleasure and so fucking grateful to us that you’ll be willing to do anything. I’ll say ‘pancakes’ and point to the kitchen and you’ll hustle your sweet ass—naked, of course—out and start cooking for us,” Cam tells her.

I can hear the tightness in his voice even as he teases her. He wants her. He wants this. But I watch her face.

Her eyes are hot, even as her mouth twitches at the corner. "Wow. I can’t believe I come across as a woman who responds to orders. I really need to work on seeming more standoffish than that.”

Cam moves his hand from her lower back to cup her face, dragging his thumb over her lower lip. "Sweetheart, I've been sitting behind you at hockey games all season. I know you better than you think."

Surprise crosses her face, and I wonder what he's talking about. Of course, I knew he sat behind her, but he’s never said he’s spoken to her. Not in any of the times I’ve gone on and on about how gorgeous she is, how funny she is, how I’d love to ask her out.

But looking at her now, having finally kissed her, and anticipating all of the things we’re going to do tonight, it’s obvious he’s been watching her more closely than I realized. Which I understand. Luna is drawing me in as if she has a gravitational force of her own.

And I never want to get out of it.

She swallows, then says, "I see. You’re one of those super insightful guys. And you're going to be the big studs to change my mind about everything? About men and relationships and my place in the world?”

Cam drops his hand, steps back. "No. Just about how you like to be fucked."

His short answer and the word fucked, seems to shoot a bolt of lightning into the room and through both Luna and me. I feel Luna tense, and I feel heat flooding through me. She sucks in a little breath and her gaze comes back to mine.

“Why don’t you fuck me and we’ll find out?”

"That’s enough talking," Cam says. "In the bedroom."

"Bedroom. So traditional," she says, but her voice is breathy.

"Yeah, well, I have high standards. And girls only get fucked on my dining room table or over the back of my very expensive sofa after they've earned it."

She narrows her eyes at him, but I think she’s fighting a smile again.

"Earned it, huh? Being here is such a privilege?"

I have to adjust myself. I’m getting hard as a fucking rock. I like this dynamic between them, and it’s clear Luna likes it as well.

"Yes. The jury’s still out on these pancakes, and you’ve now made them into a big fucking deal. Deliver on those and I’ll think about letting you come on my other furniture.”

I don't look back, but I can hear when he turns and starts toward the bedroom. His bedroom. When we share, it's always his bedroom. He calls the shots.

I look down at her. "You still in?"
