Page 55 of Dark Corruption

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The mix of cum and blood was hot and metallic against my tongue as I bathed his cock. My fingers slid between my thighs, gingerly feeling my swollen, sore pussy. Sticky cum leaked from me and onto the rug below.

‘Fucking hell, Cora.’ Ewen groaned when I sucked him into my mouth. Pulling his cock free,he wrapped me in his arms and took my lips with his own, his tongue searching as I sighed against him.

He lifted me off my feet, and I broke the kiss to look down at the rug. Three bright red droplets stained the centre, while pink-tinged cum puddled nearby.

‘I ruined your rug.’

‘You improved it. Anything you touch is only made better.’

I laughed as he started walking us back to my room.

‘I thought I was supposed to be the one who got all soppy and clingy?’

‘You’ve bewitched me and made me soft.’

‘I’m sure, given time, you’ll be hard again before we know it.’

His warm laugh sent a tendril of pleasure through me that took me by surprise.



Water splattered in the bathroom as Cora showered, and I paced the floor in her bedroom while waiting.

I wanted to climb in with her, to keep her close, but I understood that she needed a bit of time to process everything that had happened.

It had been the hottest night of my life, and every moment away from her left me itching.

Had it been what she’d imagined? What she’d dreamt about for all those years? Had I gone too far?

While safety had always been a priority during scenes I’d had with others, I’d never felt so compelled to fulfill their every desire—as long as they had gotten off great. But with Cora? Pleasing her was becoming a compulsion. Being inside her had stolen a part of me I was never getting back.

Her blood still tinged my fingers.

I needed to wash them off, but the thought of her coming out to an empty room was unacceptable. Washing her away felt almost criminal—what I'd taken was monumental, to me.

Resting back against the wall, I closed my eyes and took a juddering breath.

It can’t only be one week.

There’s not a chance I can let her go.

Call it obsession, or lust, or love. Whatever it was, life without her would be bleak.

The bathroom door opened, and Cora gave me a shy smile. ‘Shower’s free.’

Crossing the room, I cupped her pretty face in my hands. The contrast between her freshly scrubbed skin and my bloodied hands hit me. She was a tender light in my otherwise dark world. Could I really drag her into it?

‘Thank you,’ I whispered, before grazing my lips over hers. She opened to me without hesitation. Kissing her was like stealing light from the sun itself. Warmth flooded me as she sighed softly.

Breaking the kiss, she cocked her head as she looked up at me. ‘You’re being weird.’

‘I’m pretty weird at the best of times.’

‘Good thing I like you, weirdo,’ she said as she twisted the small ring from her finger and placed it in my hand. ‘Here. I wanted you to have this,’

‘Are you proposing to me?’
