Page 63 of Dark Corruption

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‘My skin itches so much I want to rip it off, and I’m sure the nurses are keeping Seth from me. They keep talking to each other in whispers, and they must be plotting something. Get me out. Please?’

Swallowing, I shook my head. ‘I can’t. They are helping you.’

‘They are torturing me. Cora, please? You’re my twin. You can’t leave me here. I just need a little of something to take the edge off.’

The back of my throat burned. I hated seeing her like this. How had I missed it for so long?’

‘You have to stay. It’ll feel better soon.’

‘Like fuck it will,’ Ruby shouted, getting to her feet and sending a jug of water flying off of the dresser next to her. ‘Even you’re against me.’

‘I’m not. I promise.’

Ewen rested a hand on my shoulder and pulled me back toward him as the nurse came in.

‘I think it’s best if you both go.’

Squeezing my hand, Ewen started toward the door.

‘No, Cora! Don’t leave me. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.’ A sob wracked her words as tears tumbled down my cheeks.

‘I’ll come back for you,’ I said before exiting the room. A guttural scream echoed out into the hall before the door closed.

Ewen’s arms engulfed me, pressing my face to his chest as my shoulders quaked.

‘She has to go through it. It’s the only way. You can’t rid yourself of the demons if you dodge them.’

‘I know,’ I whispered. It didn’t mean that seeing her like that hurt any less.

‘C’mon, let’s get you home.’



‘I’ve got something for you,’ I said as we stepped inside the mansion. The butler took our coats and tidied them away as I led Cora through the mansion.

‘What is it?’

She’d been quiet since we left the hospital and during lunch. Seeing her smile was a need I didn’t realise could overwhelm me so.

‘A gift.’

‘You don’t have to keep buying me things,’ she said, gripping tighter to my fingers as we made our way around the house.

‘I can’t think of a single thing I enjoy spending money on more.’

‘I mean it. I can’t afford to lavish you with gifts.’

‘Your attention is all I need.’

Cora smiled as a pink flush warmed her cheeks. ‘And I’ll find a way to pay you back for the fancy hospital, too.’

‘Absolutely not going to accept your money.’

‘Probably good seeing as I don’t have much.’

‘You can pay me back with your hot little mouth if you really insist.’
