Page 80 of Dark Corruption

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Moving along, he brought the baseball bat down next to Valentina’s knees as she scrambled to get out of the way.

The bat made contact with Molly’s rib cage with a sickening crunch as her screams broke me. Edwards laughed while Rob’s face paled behind him. He knew Molly. Had performed with her.

‘Help us,’ I mouthed when he met my eyes. There was a moment of hesitation before his eyes slipped away. Fucking coward.

Edwards bent down and hauled Molly’s dress up while she cried, shoving his fingers roughly between her thighs.

‘Dry as a fucking bone. Nothing a little blood won’t fix.’

Rage filled me.

‘Leave her alone,’ I yelled, unable to stomach her pain.

A manic grin covered his face as he snapped his head to me.

‘Someone fill her mouth up and make her regret that.’

When none of the men moved, Edwards barked out, ‘Rob!’

My breath came out in furious bursts as he walked toward me, looking anywhere except at my face.

‘Just get it over with,’ he mumbled as he undid his flies. ‘Don’t make it any worse for yourself.’

Pulling out his flaccid dick, he tried to shove it in my mouth. Turning my head, I avoided it. ‘Fuck off,’ I whispered to him through my teeth.

Edwards joined us, his hand yanking my hair back as he used his other one to plug my nose. I fought against him until I had to take a breath. Rob had managed to get his cock to half erect, and he shoved it in my mouth as I gagged.

‘You stupid bitches got involved with the wrong fucking family.’

Edwards let go of my nose as I coughed at the invasion of my mouth.

When Rob’s eyes rolled back as he thrust into my throat, I saw red. Biting down, his yelp filled me with fire.

‘Get her off. Fuck! get her off!’

The crunch of flesh between my teeth made me gag, and when blood filled my mouth, tears rolled down my cheeks. His fists crashed into my face as he fought me off, but I didn’t unclench my jaw until Edwards swung his baseball bat down on my ankle. Pain ruptured through me as I screamed. Rob staggered back, bleeding badly from the groin as his partially severed dick swung.

‘Get him out of here,’ Edwards yelled at the other one of his men.

‘You’re going to die first,’ Edwards said. ‘But your boyfriend’s going to watch me fuck your ass for the world to see first with my dick first and my bat second. I wonder how far I could stuff it in before you bled out?’

My foot hung limp as he released me before pulling my arms behind my back and snapping the cuffs back closed. My attempts to fight were weak. The pain from my ankle took my breath away as he manhandled me toward the dirty mattress.

‘Ewen’s going to skin you alive,’ I spat as he threw me down.

‘Give it a few days and he’ll be rotting right alongside you. I’m going to spend the next few days picking them off one by one when they are losing their minds over seeing you all fucking die.’

Throwing me to my knees, he grabbed my golden collar and wrapped his fingers around it. ‘Look at this, even he treats you like an animal. You going to come while I rape your ass? You disgusting little cunt.’

Maeve let out a laugh as he threw me onto the mattress and dropped his bat by my head.

‘You think she’ll struggle with your dick? From what I heard, she’ll barely notice it’s in.’

Edwards let out a growl of rage as he paced back toward Maeve. Fuck. She was going to get herself killed.

She held her expression impassive when he got in her face. ‘Think you’re such a brave bitch, don’t you? You’ve never experienced true fucking pain. Never struggled for anything in your pampered existence.’

Maeve spat, the saliva dripping down his face. I took the distraction to wiggle the baseball bat down between the wall and the mattress.
