Page 87 of Dark Corruption

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‘I do.’

‘Do you love him?’

‘Yes,’ I said, letting the smallest smile lift my lips.

‘Does he treat you well?’

‘He does.’

Ruby ran a finger over a whorl on the arm of the chair. ‘You’ll have to let me know how to do that.’


‘Love somebody. The only person I’ve ever loved is you.’

Her words pierced me, and when she moved to squeeze in beside me, I let her.

‘I’m so sorry. I’ve been a shit sister for a long time. I’m going to get a new job and pay the bills so you can finish your degree. I’ll take care of things.’

‘You don’t have to,’ I said. ‘I packed up everything and moved it to the McGowan home. You’re going to stay with Ewen and me for a bit while you find your footing.’

‘You moved in with him?’

‘We did.’

‘Damn. I guess nothing much I say can convince you to make it just you and I again?’ Ruby said.

‘No, we have a whole new family. You’ll have to get used to sharing, but they are excited to meet you.’

Ruby’s fingers slid into mine and when she gave me a smile that was almost like the ones I missed, I caved and pulled her into a hug.

‘Things will be better for us,’ I said against her hair.

‘I’m so happy for you.’ Ruby sniffed as she pulled back, her eyes watery. ‘You’re almost done with your degree, and you’ve landed yourself a guy who will kill to protect you. I’ve no idea what I’ll do with myself. The only thing I’ve ever been good at was screwing on stage. I’ve always wished I was more like you.’

My mouth hung open at her statement. She wished she was more like me?

‘I’ve always wanted to be more like you. Fun, wild, attractive. Why would you want to be like me?’

‘Are you kidding? You never let anything stop you. Despite our shitty upbringing, you went back to university and almost have your degree. I’m so insanely proud of you. Maybe I can go back to school, too?’

‘Of course you can. Although there’s no shame in working at the club if you like it.’

‘While I loved performing, I can’t do it forever. I don’t want that either.’

‘Ewen and I can help. We’ve allocated you a suite in our home and can support you as you study. But no drugs. No going backwards.‘

Ruby nodded with a grin. ‘Deal.’

We sat back against the sofa, and she slid her hand into mine. ‘I really am sorry for being such a thunder-cunt to you for the past few years. Thank you for giving me another chance.’

‘You’re my sister. I just want you to be happy.’

‘I love you,’ Ruby said.

And just like that, my family was complete.

