Page 10 of Alfie, Darling

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The cage extended the width of the room, and there were no windows on either side of the bars.

What was this place? Some sort of upcycled farm building? Why was I there?

The pretty blonde flashed into my head.

The syringe.

The photographs.


I must have really fucked her off somehow. But how? Generally, people didn’t take a captive for failing to phone back after a hook up.

She was likely just the pawn. There had been a man there. The blonde must have been a honey trap.

Damn me and my needy fucking cock.

Storming towards the door, dragging my heavy chains behind me, I felt a hard tug. I didn’t have enough give to reach the barred door. Pulling hard enough to cord the muscles in my arms proved useless. Cursing, I gave it another try, the harsh metal shackles cutting into the skin of my wrists. True terror clawed at me as the reality of the situation gripped me.

Taking a breath to calm the torrent of panic that roiled in my stomach, I closed my eyes and focused on returning my heart rate to a normal pace. Fear and panic never served anyone well.

Whoever it was likely wanted money. I could get that to them without a problem. If it wasn’t money, they probably needed a job taken care of or a favour from someone like the McGowan family. Either could be discussed and resolved.

It would be fine.


Sometime later, after I’d dragged myself to sitting on the edge of the bare mattress in the corner, footsteps approached.

The man who walked towards me was tall and had that deep olive tone of the Mediterranean. I’d have said that he was attractive if it weren’t for the absolutely sour look on his face.

‘Ah, about time,’ I said, trying to keep my voice light. ‘I’m sure we can figure out a solution to whatever the problem is. I won’t take it to heart that you’ve treated me less like a man and more like an animal.’

He stopped by the sofa, crossed his arms, and ignored me entirely.

‘It will be much easier to chat if you could get me my clothes and let me out of here. We can sit down man-to-man and stop all of this.’ I signalled to my surroundings. He didn’t even look at me.

‘The silent treatment is very immature, you know.’


I was losing the will to live with him by the time another set of footsteps came clacking along the solid stone flooring.

Lighter steps.

Glancing up, she came into view. The lying little vixen. Seeing her coming towards me in jeans and a sweatshirt while I was in nothing but underpants left me feeling vulnerable. She closed the space between us, coming to stand next to the bars.

‘You did this?’ I asked.

‘No, Alfie. You did this.’

‘And what am I supposed to have done?’

Her eyes practically gleamed in the low light of the room. ‘I’m sure you’ll figure it out.’

‘I don’t even know you. Is this because I fucked you at some point and never called?’

Her sharp laugh cracked through the space. ‘You think far too highly of yourself.’
