Page 20 of Alfie, Darling

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‘We’ll make sure you have a solid alibi, and his remains won’t be found. Do you want to go back to the family?’

‘Only long enough to let it all blow over.’ Her voice was soft but confident.

‘You’ll need to lie to everyone. You’ll likely all be questioned. Do you think you’ll manage it?’

Her nod affirmed that she did.

‘You can never talk about me or this place. It’s the only way we can help others. We have a good reach and means to be able to help you. When you’re ready, get in touch with Nancy, and we can help you with whatever you need; A place to live, money, university admission, even a job. There are a fuckload of monsters in the world, but even more people who want to help those hurt by them. You might feel alone, but you aren’t.’

‘Thank you,’ she said, finally looking directly at me with a gentle smile.

‘And if all else fails, you’re welcome here with us. It’s not five star accommodation, living beneath the city, but it’s safe.’

Nancy took Eve out of the room while Petros and one of the few other men who assisted us released the chain, sending the corpse crashing onto the floor with a wet slop. They gathered it up and worked together to remove it from the room, leaving me to my thoughts. Blood puddled between the stone flooring, seeping into the cracks. It would be a bugger to clean.

The numbness inside me was threatening to overwhelm me, trying to drag me back into the blackness that lurked beneath my skin. Glancing over at Alfie, I figured that he could be a perfect distraction.

I needed to feel something. He was going to die anyway, so why not make him useful in the meantime?

Moving to a keypad-locked safe behind the bar area, I punched in the code and withdrew my gun. The metal was bitterly cold from sitting within the recessed safe, which was set in the stone walls. Its weight felt reassuring in my fingers, and I worked slowly to load it. I didn’t intend to kill Alfie yet, but neither would I approach him without the means to if necessary.

My footsteps echoed through the room as I approached the cage, picking up a set of keys en route. The way his throat bobbed as I crouched in front of him made me smile.

‘Did you enjoy the show?’ I asked, holding the gun lightly in my blood-coated hand.

‘A touch gladiatorial, don’t you think?’ His throat rasped, his lips looking dry.

‘Nothing wrong with eradicating pests.’

‘Is that what men are to you?’

‘Only the dickheads.’

‘Like me?’ Alfie asked.

‘Indeed. Are you thirsty?’



I stood up and stood over him, his back pressing against the bars. His face was at thigh level, his eyes widening.

‘You aren’t like most of the men I’ve tortured, Alfie. I’m going to have to get creative with you. What I do know is that you are an absolute slut. You crave sex like most people need air. Usually, you don’t struggle to get it, and I’m going to use that against you until you break.’

His lips grazed my thigh, and a wave of revulsion hit me. A flashback from the last time he’d touched me. There had been no softness then, nothing but shame and pain. He’d used me. It was my turn to use him.’

‘Does using me make you any better than those men?’ Alfie asked, his lips moving against my thigh as he spoke.

‘You made me this way. You didn’t care when you fucked me in front of a room full of people.’

‘I didn’t know.’ His words came out in a tortured sigh.

I pressed the barrel of the gun against his shoulder. ‘Slide down onto the floor.’

It took him a few minutes to be able to do as I’d said with how his hands were cuffed to the bars. When he was on the floor, I slipped my panties off and saw his pupils dilate. It was working. Now, I just had to get through the disgust of letting his disgusting mouth touch me.

It’s just a tool, something to make him desperate.
