Page 30 of Alfie, Darling

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‘He’s not in love with me.’ Anger broke out, and I reached down, pressing my fingers against his throat, wanting to cut off his poisonous words.

Alfie gave a broken laugh, his cum-coated face breaking into a delirious grin. ‘He worships the fucking ground you walk on.’

‘Shut up,’ I said. He had to be mocking me. Did he know how badly I wished a man like Petros, someone good and just, could love me? I rained my fists down on him, catching his jaw, his mouth and his throat. His laughter only let up to groan after a few minutes, when my knuckles were bruised and my breath panting.

‘You are a hateful fuck, Alfie. It’s no wonder your own father couldn’t love you. I may have been fucking abused since the night we met, but at least people wanted me. No one has ever wanted you, have they?’

Alfie’s eyes dimmed before filling with water. He blinked away from me, and I stood, pulling my dress down as rage filled my veins.

He deserved that, I told myself.

His broken look of detachment didn’t leave my mind as I walked away and left him there, locked in his cage; alone.



My stomach had ceased groaning at some point. It hurt to move, but I forced myself to do what I could to stretch out my limbs as often as I could.

How long had it been?

The bucket I'd been given to relieve myself hadn't been removed, and desperation filled my head.

Is this it? Am I going to die in this fucking cage?

Sleep was my only escape, but even that was full of taunting dreams and the illusion of freedom that broke me every time I awoke.

'Stop ignoring me,' I screamed, my throat burning in protest. A fresh drop of water appeared on one of the bars beside me, and I pressed my tongue against it. Where it came from was a mystery, but the semi-steady droplets were all I had to sustain me. Tears pricked my eyes as silence met me, my echoed cries the only sound I'd heard for what felt like forever.

The next time I woke, three slices of plain white bread awaited, along with a bottle of water. I sobbed at the realisation someone had been there and I had missed them. The lack of interaction was making me question my own sanity. I ate the bread slowly, savouring every dry mouthful. Licking the crumbs from my fingers, I took my time sipping the water. Should I save some in case they left me so long again? Or drink it all in case they took it away?

With my ankles chained, I couldn't sit upright fully, nor reach below my navel; every single movement was a bitter struggle.

It had long become clear that no one was coming to save me. Ewen, Logan, Mac and Cam had either given up the search or perhaps hadn't deemed my disappearance worth it. Harriet's biting words smacked into me, bringing additional pain to the physical aches I felt. No one has ever wanted you, Alfie.

They hurt most because they were right.

Anger made me fight my bonds, my strength waning and making my attempts pitiful. The cold stone beneath my legs bit whenever I moved from the small warm patch my lengthy containment created. In fuzzy moments, I'd believe I’d heard someone, or had seen movement, but no one heeded my cries.

The sexual torment and pain had hurt me, but the isolation would kill me. It would drive me from my wits until I lost all grip on reality.

'Please?' I begged the silence, my face damp with tears.

'Help?' I asked the darkness, my nails cracking as I dragged them against the stone floor.

'Don't forget me,' I called to nothing.



The anger at the situation I'd found myself in fuelled my treatment of Alfie for the first few days after the incident with Harriet. I'd finally given in and given myself to her, but after she'd been focused on him, not me. She’d used my cum to taunt him, and it burned a hole into my chest that I didn't know how to fix.

I'd left before I could see any more, but the thought that she had likely lowered herself onto his wicked tongue was too much to bear.

You fucking idiot.

I cursed myself for believing it could have been anything else, that fucking her would have made her want me. She'd told me it was all an act, and what… I thought my dick could magically make her see fucking butterflies and rainbows?
