Page 53 of Alfie, Darling

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The wall in the kitchen was littered with photos, notes and other paraphernalia. Pieces of string linked between drawing pins in a huge, tangled web.

Harriet sat scowling at her laptop screen before jotting down scribbled notes and getting up to add them to the wall. I skirted a hand over her hip as she passed me by.

‘How’s it going?’

She’d practically banished Petros and me for the previous three weeks as she worked day and night on her plan. The three of us were tentatively trying to figure out how to interact with one another in this new normal that Rosenhall had thrown us into. I swear the castle had some sort of ancient magic in it. Maybe the old ladies who talked of the faerie rings in the woods when I was a kid had been onto something.

‘Good,’ she said, excitement filling her voice. She was thriving with my father’s little notebook in her possession. Her eyes glittered. Planning revenge really lit her up. ‘I think we can get this show on the road in a couple of days. She stuck the notes alongside a picture of a ruddy-faced man of around sixty. He looked every bit the MP or CEO.

Harriet leant back against me, her back against my chest. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and inhaled the sweet scent of her shampoo.

‘What’s the plan? Do we just pick them off one by one?’

‘No,’ she said, arching her back as I nipped at her throat with my teeth. ‘It’s too risky. Like birds on a fence, if they see you shoot one, the others will flee. It needs to be a planned strike.

‘Tell me how, my beautiful monster.’

‘See the one at the top?’ I followed her direction back to the ruddy-faced man. ‘His name is Hugh Fleming, and he lives alone in a fairly secluded cottage in the Borders. Cottage is an understatement, by the way. It’s pretty big. During the week, he tends to rattle about the cottage on his own, only occasionally popping out. But once a month, he invites the other fucknuggets on the list to his home. There’s no evidence of what they do there, but I’m doubting very much that they all sit around and play Scrabble.’

Excitement made her words tumble faster, and I couldn’t help but smile. Her glee was infectious.

‘So, he’s the first target?’

‘He is. And the bait. He’s the one who seems to be controlling the others from what I can see. The one who stepped in to fill your father’s shoes. I’m going to make sure he suffers for everything he’s done. I remember his face; he enjoyed cutting around the edge of the vaginal entrance so the women would scream all the more as he fucked them.’

‘Fucking hell,’ I said, staring at the perfectly normal face in the picture. A monster in plain sight. It made my stomach turn.

‘So, I get to spend a night torturing him for every single one of the victims he’s hurt. He’s going to beg me to kill him by the end.’

Her rampant bloodlust should have worried me. Should have made me flee, but instead, I wanted to help her. To join in her fight for all those who couldn’t defend themselves. My stabby little heroine.

‘You’re sure the others will come?’

‘Oh yes, he’ll tell me exactly how to get them there before I cut out his tongue. We’ll have his phone and computer; we’ll give them little choice. Blackmail is what keeps the group from turning on each other and self-preservation is a strong force.’

‘You’ve thought of everything,’ I said, turning her and planting a kiss right on the end of her nose.

‘You and Petros might not want to stay for it all. You might not be able to look at me the same way afterwards.’ It was the first hesitation she’d had since we’d come back from Rosenhall.

‘We know who you are. All of you. There’s no part of yourself you need to hide from us. Plus, you can always fill our heads with pleasant, dirty little images afterwards. There’s little an eager tongue can’t fix.’

‘You’re such a slut,’ she said with a laugh.

‘Takes one to know one,’ I retorted.

‘Uh, if there’s a cuddle fest happening, you two had better make room for me,’ Petros said, walking into the room with bags from the burger store. ‘Send me out for food so you can canoodle, huh? Which one of you needs the spanking?’

Harriet flushed and squirmed against me.

‘There’s always room for you, Petros. I’ve got a lovely little spot right between my thighs...’ I winked.

‘Okay, you little horn-dogs, first we eat. I’ll be pissed if I have to eat a cold burger because you two can’t behave for ten minutes.’

Petros sat on one of the bar stools and pulled out his burger, unwrapping it and taking a bite. Harriet looked from him to me before grinning. ‘Do you want to have a little fun?’

‘Always,’ I whispered, grinning back at her.

She pulled me to my knees in front of Petros, reaching up and unzipping his pants. He tried to talk through a mouthful of burger. Harriet held out his dick, and we each took a side, licking and sucking it between us.
