Page 61 of Alfie, Darling

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‘Then who did?’ Ewen asked.

‘Just the most amazing woman I’ve met.’ Harriet and Petros came through from the kitchen, both sets of my loved ones staring at each other doubtfully.

‘Harriet, Petros, this is Mac and Ewen. They are kind of brothers to me.’

‘We know who they are,’ Harriet said, folding her arms over her chest and giving them both a narrowed look. Of course she knew, she’d bloody well stalked me like a little creep.

‘Ewen and Mac, this is Petros and Harriet—my dark and my light.’

‘You did this?’ Ewen asked, walking over to the table and looking at Hugh’s grotesquely disfigured form. ‘All of this? What was it? Poison?’

Harriet kicked out a hip and eyed Ewen warily. ‘I made the pig one into a lasagne and fed it to his friends. But yeah, there was a little poison in there.’

‘Christ on a bike,’ Ewen muttered.

‘You can’t talk,’ I said to Ewen, ‘You put expanding foam up a guy’s arse.’

Harriet’s face broke into a grin, light filling her eyes. ‘Oh, now, there’s an idea. I think I’m going to like you.’

‘Hey, I needed information,’ Ewen said, coolly.

‘And I really needed all of these fuckers to die.’ Harriet shrugged.

‘Fair enough,’ Ewen ceded.

Mac bumped me with his shoulder. ‘So, you’re with both of them? Man mountain and the wee psycho?’

‘I am.’

‘Man, Valentina and Logan are going to be green about the gills.’ Mac gave a pleased little chuckle.

Ewen walked around the table, stepping over bodies and sighing occasionally.

‘This is too much for us on short notice. I’m going to recommend we call in a friend,’ he said at last.

‘Who?’ I asked.


The man walked in like something from an acid nightmare. Clothed in head-to-toe black, with a full black gas mask covering his face. I’d have thought it only to be safety gear, but it was intricately painted with a phoenix bursting into flame. His heavy boots slowed as he looked over the crime scene.

‘Good gravy,’ Harriet said, ‘he’s bigger than Petros.’

‘And scarier than you,’ I muttered, truly taken aback by the solid figure.

‘What do you think?’ Ewen asked him.

Phoenix didn’t answer, he just turned his masked face to Ewen and gave one definitive nod.

‘How long?’ Ewen didn’t look as intimidated as I definitely felt.

He flashed his hand four times.

‘Twenty minutes.’ Ewen stated.

One more solid nod before he left the room.

‘Where the fuck did you find him?’ I whispered to Mac.
