Page 7 of Alfie, Darling

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Turning around, I lifted my chin in defiance.

‘Let me out of here,’ I demanded.

‘Oh, Alfie, darling. I don’t think so.’

‘Why the fuck have you been watching me? Who are you?’

‘Maybe if you’d have asked me that twenty years ago, we wouldn’t be here.’ Her eyes sparkled as she slid a hand up her thigh, tucking it beneath her dress and retrieving a hidden knife from a sheath strapped to her leg.

‘What do you want? Money?’

She laughed, a high, tinkling laugh that made my stomach turn to jelly.

‘No. I don’t need your money. Far too little, far too late.’

She was closing the space between us step-by-step. I didn’t want to hurt her, psycho or not, but I’d be left with little choice.

‘Put the knife away, and let’s talk this over. There has to be something I can give you in exchange for letting this go.’

The knife twirled in her fingers as she licked her lips. ‘You’re going to give me everything I want, Alfie. Including your very last breath.’

I didn’t wait for her to come closer, I rushed at her, hoping to incapacitate her long enough to call the front desk and have them send backup. I’d avoid the police if I could, but if they had to be involved, then so be it.

Her eyes widened at my sudden movement before our bodies collided. I’d expected her to crumple easily, but she was solid muscle beneath the pretty dress. We tumbled to the floor, air whooshing from her as I tried to avoid the jabbing of her knife.

Flipping us over, I pinned her underneath me, my thighs gripping her waist. Using one arm to pin her knife-wielding hand, the other fought to capture her other.

‘I don’t want to hurt you,’ I grunted as she fought like a hellion.

‘Fuck you,’ she said, her mouth turning up in an amused grin. A nervousness snaked along my spine at her expression. I had her pinned. Why did she still look so unfazed?

A loud crack sent a blinding pain shooting through my skull, knocking me sideways and clean off her. The ground met me with another blistering crack, my body rendered useless, dizziness making my vision swim. My chest constricted as the throbbing spasms in my head bloomed to an overwhelming ache.

A set of men’s shoes came into view from where I lay unable to move. A hand reaching down, helping my stalker to her feet. The heels clicked against the floor, the noise making my head ache more with each strike.

Crouching beside me, she took a vial and needle from the man, tipping it up and filling the syringe with a colourless liquid.

Laying there while she pierced the needle into my neck, I could do nothing to defend myself. Entirely at her mercy.


‘See you soon, Alfie,’ she whispered, pressing the plunger down and sending a nipping pain into the injection site.

I tried to fight it.

I tried.

I failed.



Cursing as his shoes caught on the edge of the large cage, I dragged an unconscious Alfie through the entrance to his prison.

The fucker was heavier than he looked.
