Page 185 of Wicked Little Thief

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Liam, on the other hand, looked the man straight in the eye when he replied, “Not until she marries me first.”

“And when is that going to be?”

This time, Liam looked at Utah when he said, “Hopefully soon. I thought I better ask her parents first.” He glanced back at Phoenix. “But since I haven’t met them yet, that’s been a problem.”

“Is that why you’ve been so insistent on meeting them?”

He chuckled. “Kind of. I thought you should probably introduce me before I just showed up at their house to ask if I could marry their daughter.”

Liam noticed a tear streaming down Utah’s face.

“What’s wrong, little bee?”

He could tell she was biting back a sob when she eeked out, “What if you would have never had a chance to meet my dad?”

It seemed like the gravity of her father’s condition had finally caught up with her.

“Oh, baby,” he murmured as he pulled her into his chest. Her resolve broke the minute his arms wrapped around her, and he could feel her body shake with grief.

Kissing her hair and offering soft words of comfort, he held her and let her cry until she finally took a deep, shuddering breath. When she pulled away from him, she wiped her eyes as she half-laughed, half-cried.

With the pads of his thumbs, he wiped her cheeks with a tender smile.

“Your dad’s going to be just fine, little bee. And I promise, as soon as he’s strong enough, I’m going to ask him and your mom if I can marry you.”

Liam had forgotten Phoenix was there until he heard the man cough into his hand and say, “Not sure if it matters or not, but you have my blessing.”

