Page 15 of The Dark Will Rise

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I had to trust him.

He was one of my Shíorghrá.

I pressed my hand to the smooth fur on his side, brushing my fingers against his flank before I climbed onto his back—the movement was anything but graceful.

Tor’s magic clung to my legs, keeping my body in place as he stood. I trailed my fingers down the smooth edge of his webbed mane and had barely a moment to get comfortable before Tor set off at a run.

Straight for the water.

I braced, expecting the cold rush of the lake, but Tor’s feet met the surface without a splash as he raced across the lake as if it were made of glass.

Underneath his hooves, I saw fish swirling and darting away. The glowing coral and urchins clung to the rocks below the surface.

The wind ripped my hair away from my face, stealing my voice as I let out a whoop, my smile so wide I was afraid my face would split in half.

I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around Tor’s long neck. His thundering hooves quickened, racing toward the Skala Isles—twisting at the last moment as the rock wall rose from the water to chase us.

The lake crashed against the Skala Isles, soaking us in the spray as we raced along the edge. The beach followed as we rode from one end to the other.

Finally, growing confident enough to let go of Tor’s mane, I extended my arms. Mimicking a seabird riding the wind currents. I closed my eyes and savored the taste of salt on my lips and the wind in my hair.

My face ached from smiling. Panting, exhilarated as Tor reared on his back, letting out a kelpie whinny and splashing his front hooves in the waves.

Tor rode hard on the water with me on his back. The only witnesses were the selkies sleeping on the rocks and the sea birds in their nests as the Skala Isles twisted and turned in the water.

My legs began to ache, with the muscular equine body between my thighs and the jarring movement of each stride.

Finally, slowing to a canter, we approached the shore. Though I hadn’t been the one racing from one end of the beach to the other, my chest heaved with exertion.

As we stepped onto the sand, the waves crashed against our backs, and Tor’s body remolded itself from four legs to two. I was still on his back, and the shock sent me sliding into the water. His expression was horrified as he reached to catch me, but he wasn’t quite fast enough. I let out a peel of laughter as the splash covered us both. I licked the seawater from my lips and blinked up at Tor, allowing happiness to shine through my face. Unsure when, if ever, I had felt such joy. Such freedom.

A queer look crossed Tor’s face before he reached for my hand. I slid my fingers into his hand, and he pulled me to standing, using my momentum to pull me close and press his lips against mine. As we kissed, the waves crashed around us, lashing at our calves.

As I reached up, placing my hand on Tor’s chest, I felt his heart race—only for me. The hard planes of his chest and the feel of his skin sent sparks through every inch of my body.

The water licked the shore with force, battering my ankles and forcing us away from the tide. I only remained upright because of Tor’s hands on my waist.

We broke apart, pressing our foreheads together. Each breath traded as we stared into each other’s eyes.

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh like that,” Tor said, breathless.

I smiled softly. “Is Rainn’s cottage still on the edge of the woods?”

“I think so?” He replied, confused.

“Good!” I stepped back. “I’ll race you!”

“Never challenge a kelpie,” Tor growled, but I didn’t look back as I took off at a run.

The sand was hard to navigate, my heels sinking into the ground as I raced from the water to the cottage hidden behind the trees—where I had first met Tormalugh Shadowhock.

Tor’s shadow raced behind mine, first on two legs and then one four, the thunder of hooves gaining on my heels before overtaking me entirely.

I’d spent all my time in the Cradle building my endurance and running on sand, but it seemed that I was no match for a kelpie.

I slowed as I caught sight of the cottage, with its driftwood wind-chime fluttering in the night air. The wooden shutters and the peeling white paint on the paneling.

Tor leaned against the door, beaming proudly, keeping his eyes on mine as he reached for the handle and opened the front door as I approached.
