Page 20 of The Dark Will Rise

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See you soon,


“You were friends,” I whispered, closing my eyes and allowing a tear to drop down my cheek and from my chin. “Gods, I miss her.”

Poison. The word echoed through my mind, swallowing every throat like a whirlpool.

“She loved you very much.” The selkie queen took the letter and filed it away. “She never said who might want her dead, but as the Mad Queen, she had many enemies.”

“King Irvine killed the Mer-king. Ullurick. Perhaps he killed my mother as well.” Bitterness coated my voice. “I wish I could kill him twice.”

The selkie queen bit back a smile. “You are Caroihme’s daughter. Of that, I have no doubt.”

In contrast to the welcome ball we had received the night before, the selkie queen had opted for a more sedate family dinner to round out our second day—perhaps as an apology for dredging up emotions I would have preferred weren’t on display to my Shíorghrá’s mother.

Rainn, Tor, and I were the first to arrive at the Queen’s suite. The room was artfully arranged around a large table that didn’t belong to the space. No doubt moved to accommodate the family at the last minute.

Each dish was covered in a silver dome, and the smell of food lingered in the air, though I didn’t have enough experience with smells above water to determine what was served.

Rainn directed us to our seats and pulled out my chair.

The door opened, and a young female breezed in and slumped into the nearest seat. Her hair was the same color as Rainn’s, and her eyes were the same sky-blue. She was taller than Rainn, though her hair was cropped above her ears. She wore a dress reminiscent of a siren’s wings, made of feathers woven together that somehow moved like water. Her eyes met mine across the table, and my ears filled with the sound of my own heartbeat.

Her magic tasted like tumult. Angry waves. Rainn speared the selkie with a harsh look. “Maeve, this is my sister Storm. We are the closest in age.”

“Though I am fifty years older.” Storm sniffed, shifting her stare to Rainn. “Ma mentioned that Rainn had brought his Shíorghrá home. At least that explains the family dinner.”

“Storm,” Rainn continued as if she hadn’t spoken. “This is Maeve Cruinn. My mate.”

If Storm cared about my last name, she didn’t show it. Instead, she sat up and peeked under the nearest tray, sneaking a look at the offerings.

The door opened again, revealing two selkies that wore the same face, though their clothes were different. One wore black and the other white. Both were male, though they shared Rainn’s rounder, more innocent face. Twins.

“Tide and Wave,” Rainn murmured as the twins took their seats. “Nice of you to join us.”

“Putting on a show for your new bride.” Twin One smirked, cocking his head to the side—a mannerism borrowed from the selkie queen herself. He turned to me. “I’m Wave.” His smile widened. “Rainn would have finished half the food by now if he wasn’t trying to be polite.”

“He wouldn’t.” The other twin, Tide, cut in. “He knows Ma would have his hands.”

Rainn scoffed and rolled his eyes. “I’m not a glutton.”

“No,” Storm cut in, pouring herself a glass of wine. “You just have a bottomless stomach.”

“When is River getting here?” Tide asked. “He should be back from patrol by now.”

Tor, who had remained silent until that moment, let out a low and frightening chuckle. “River Shallows has been waylaid. Indefinitely.”

Tide and Wave shuddered.

“Hello, Tormalugh.” Storm saluted with her glass. “I forgot you were there.”

“Kelpie magic.” Tor’s smile was sharp.

“My siblings won’t hurt you, Tor,” Rainn assured him before placing his hand on mine.

“No.” Tor tilted his chin, looking down his nose at Rainn. “Just Maeve.”

The twins looked me over with renewed interest but did not say anything.
