Page 63 of The Dark Will Rise

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Cormac narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest, though nothing would hide the scar King Irvine had given him.

“Your Highness.” The male blustered. “We didn’t expect you so soon when we sent the missive. We assumed you’d want to gather a retinue.”

Cormac waved away the male’s statement. “Lady Finula made a compelling case for my hasty arrival. I was just surprised the message hadn’t come sooner.”

The male's red cheeks deepened in color. “Lady Elaine Cruinn has taken these days to grieve her husband, but she is ready for peace and wants an end to the suffering. She is willing to treat with the Mer for the good of the lake.”

“Has Lady Elaine taken the High Throne then?” Cormac narrowed his eyes.

“Oh, no.” The male shook his head vehemently. “Liam Cruinn was named heir when King Irvine was alive. May Belisama lay him to rest.”

Cormac hoped that every mention of the deceased king would not be followed by a prayer, but when it came to the undine, he wasn’t entirely sure of their customs.

“My name is Douglas Dougall.” The male tipped his head. “I was one of King Irvine’s advisors and have been asked to welcome all the leaders upon arrival.”

Cormac tipped his chin in acknowledgment.

A figure appeared at the top of the stairs. Regal in bearing and wearing a dress that matched the adornments on her face. Cormac Illfinn was a master at detecting glamour. Most Mer had to be if they wanted to master it. It took skill to push your will against reality and expect reality to yield.

If he had to guess, Cormac would say that the woman drifting down the stairs was Lady Elaine, the late king’s wife. But the undine in question wore glamour so thick that even he struggled to piece it.

A sharp pain radiated behind his left eye when Cormac looked too closely.

Cormac glanced away as Douglas Dougall scrapped a dozen bows and stepped to the side.

“Lady Elaine Cruinn of the Esteemed Undine Court.” Douglas stammered.

Cormac frowned, wondering why the king’s advisor would fear the female undine. He decided to push the thought aside for later when he had more time to ponder it.

Cormac could no longer see the glamour when he looked back at Lady Elaine. She gifted him a benevolent smile as she reached the bottom of the staircase.

“King Illfinn, you are most welcome.” She beamed.

“Lady Elaine.” Cormac bowed his head.

“Would you like to walk with me?” Elaine asked.

Cormac gestured to his red tail and gifted her a wry smile. “I’ll be happy to swim with you.” He joked.

Elaine tittered, though the joke hadn’t been funny. Cormac was used to Fae preening in his presence, but he had no idea why Lady Elaine would bother.

She wanted something, he guessed.

Lady Elaine steered Cormac from the staircase, past the steps, and to the courtyard.

“Word reached Cruinn that you planned to take Maeve as your wife, not two months past.” Lady Elaine kept her face forward as she spoke. “I assume because Maeve fled Tarsainn shortly afterward and you placed a bounty on her return, that is no longer the case?”

Cormac schooled his face of all emotion though his teeth ground together. “Maeve spent some time in Tarsainn, yes. I thought it would bring our creeds some peace if there was a marriage between the Undine and the Mer.”

Cormac didn’t care a lick about peace. He had wanted Maeve, and he had wanted the Mer to feel vindicated. After all, if the Cruinn Princess had chosen the Mer over her own creed, it would surely show that the Mer were the winning side. The righteous side.

Cormac voiced none of that. Instead, he glanced at the undine female out of the corner of his eye. “You have spies in Tarsainn?” He kept his voice light.

Lady Elaine waved her hand dismissively. Each finger was adorned by a fat, gaudy ring. “As if you don’t have just as many spies in Cruinn. The Mer are masters of glamour.”

Cormac ignored the compliment. “Why are you interested in a marriage between Maeve and Tarsainn?” Cormac said, cutting right to the sea-bird shit.

“Maeve is important to me. She is my dearest companion.” Lady Elaine simpered. “My only family, save for my son.”
