Page 5 of Ranger Integrity

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She flicked off the light to the bathroom and padded on thick socks out of the bedroom. The heavenly scent of warm cheese wafted from the ground floor. Her stomach rumbled. She hadn’t eaten since yesterday. Sienna’s steps quickened and her breath caught as she rounded the corner to the kitchen.

Eli stood at the stove. His sunshine blond hair was ruthlessly trimmed short and, although it was nearing dinnertime, his jawline was clean-shaven. He’d shed his coat, revealing a flannel shirt underneath that molded to broad shoulders before skirting the ridges and planes of his back. Jeans, worn soft by the years, hung from his narrow hips. One strong hand held a spatula.

It was disconcerting and far too intimate to have Eli standing at her stove. Memories flooded Sienna’s mind before she could stop them. Laughter as they danced around the kitchen, long conversations spent over delicious dinners, nights curled up on the couch watching movies. Longing mixed with regret rattled her already frayed emotions. “You didn’t need to cook.”

“I was hungry. Figured you were too.”

Her gaze swept across the clean sink and the organized mugs next to the coffee maker. That was not how she’d left the kitchen. Sienna’s gaze narrowed. “Did you clean?”

“A bit.” With precision, Eli flipped the sandwich roasting in the frying pan. The first side was already perfectly golden. “I found tomato soup in your pantry. Hope that's okay.”

Sienna glanced at the small table in the corner. Bowls of soup rested on placemats, along with silverware and glasses filled with water. Her stomach growled in anticipation. She pressed a hand to her midsection as a heat flushed her cheeks.

Eli chuckled before sending her a wink. “Sit down. Start eating, if you want. The sandwiches are almost ready.”

He was taking care of her, and although Sienna knew she shouldn’t allow it, exhaustion prevented her from launching a defense. She sank into the nearest chair. A quick prayer of thanks to God was all her brain could manage before she reached for the spoon.

The soup was thick and warm, flavored with summer tomatoes and a hint of spices. A secret recipe. Eli knew how to take a simple can of tomato soup and turn it into a culinary masterpiece.

She’d missed it. Missed him.

Dangerous thoughts.

Sienna scooped another spoonful of soup into her mouth. “It’s delicious. Thank you.”

Eli set a plate topped with a grilled cheese sandwich at her elbow. Then he joined her and said a quick prayer before picking up his own spoon. “Nothing fancy, but it’ll do the trick.” He wrinkled his nose. “You don’t have much in the fridge.”

“I don’t cook very often.”

“Probably for the best.” His grin was lopsided. “I vaguely remember a flaming pot roast and a desperate run for a fire extinguisher.”

Not her finest moment. Sienna laughed. She reached for her sandwich and dipped a corner into the bowl of tomato soup. “I’m too busy working most of the time to cook. Besides, Mom and Dad invite me to dinner four nights a week anyway. Now that Landon is living on the farm again, they like seeing us.”

Sienna didn’t mind spending a lot of time with her parents and her brother. They were close-knit, made more so by the untimely death of her older sister.

She swiped at her mouth with a napkin. “Speaking of family, how is Ryker? I heard through the grapevine that he got married last year.”

Technically, Ryker wasn’t Eli’s blood relative, but the two men were as close as brothers. They’d grown up together, and as far as Sienna knew, Eli didn’t have any other family. Other than Dalton, of course. But that wasn’t a subject she was ready to tackle.

“Ryker’s well. Yes, he got married. His wife, Hannah, is amazing and they’re expecting a baby in the fall.” Eli’s tone was full of affection and love. “A little boy. I’ve suggested the name Elijah, but they aren’t making any promises.”

Sienna laughed. “Maybe they’ll make you the godfather instead.”

The smile that stretched across Eli’s face caused a riot of butterflies in Sienna’s stomach. Happiness took his already handsome features and morphed them into something breathtaking. A faint dimple creased his left cheek. Sienna couldn’t resist staring. Drinking him in like a woman starved for affection. And before she could stop herself, the question hovering in the back of her mind was out of her mouth. “Are you dating anyone?”

He stilled for half a moment. “No.” Eli cleared his throat and fiddled with his own napkin. “I’ve been busy with work.”

“I can imagine.”

He caught her gaze and electricity sparked between them before Eli’s attention dropped to his food. Heat flared in Sienna’s cheeks. Holy moly, she really should’ve made more of an effort to date after they broke up. She’d tried here and there, but no one had ever captured her attention quite like Eli. He was a difficult man to live up to.

She licked her lips. “I haven’t dated much either. Work also keeps me busy.”

Why was she telling him this? Shut up, shut up.

An awkward silence fell over the kitchen. Sienna busied herself with finishing the last of her sandwich. Then she dusted crumbs off her hands. “Thanks again for cooking. I was more hungry than I thought.”

“Like I said, it was no trouble.” Eli’s expression grew serious. “I was sorry to hear about your dad’s heart attack. Your mom says he’s on the mend. Is that true?”
