Page 24 of Loving Liam

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“He will not find you.” I’d make damn sure of that, and in all honesty, it was Ziggy’s testimony that had put him away. Liam had only attended the trial, not appeared as a witness. Throughout the ordeal, I’d watched Stuart, and he’d hardly taken his eyes from Liam. He had to have known he had talked to us.

“I can’t stay long. I need to meet Sam back at the station, but I couldn’t leave knowing the effect it would have on you. Are you okay? What can I do?”

“I need to get to work. Drew’s expecting me, and I have clients.” He tried to pull away, but I held him tighter and inhaled deeply.

His clean scent, with a hint of underlying sweetness, I found all too alluring.

“Just one more minute,” I said, although this was an indulgence neither of us could afford. We both had work, and for some reason, I needed this probably as much as he did.

He struggled from my grasp, and I immediately mourned the loss of his warm body. It had been a while since I’d been close to another man.

And he was a man, despite our age gap. Twenty-four years, to be exact.

“Can you take me to work? I need to go wash up and make myself presentable again.”

“Of course. Take your time.”

He ran up to his bedroom while I waited in the hallway.

I peeked into the lounge. It was a typical guy’s place, sparsely decorated, very little furniture. A sofa, a games console sitting on a unit beneath a wall-mounted TV that had to be fifty-five inches, at least. The only reason for all my furnishings was down to my parents. It had been their house after all. And when I moved from my rented flat, I’d brought few belongings.

From what I’d seen of Liam’s room, his was the only homely room in the house. He was fastidious about cleaning, that was apparent.

When he appeared, he looked far better than he had. He’d touched up his tear-streaked face, but there was no mistaking he’d been crying.

“Do you have everything? Keys? Phone?”

He shook his backpack. “I just need to grab my lunch from the fridge. I’m trying to turn over a new leaf.” He tucked an apple into his bag. “Eat more healthily.”

I could get behind that sentiment. When was the last time I’d had a home-cooked meal, not one that hadn’t come out of a packet or needed reheating in the microwave? Cooking had never been my strong point.

He stopped what he was doing, his brow furrowed.

“I had all good intentions last night to turn my life around. Your news today…it’s kind of put a spanner in the works.”

“It doesn’t have to. We don’t know for sure. The court hasn’t set a date, so it still might not happen. The best you can do is carry on, and if the shit hits the fan, I’ll be here for you.”

“Why are you being so nice to me? Is this some misplaced guilt from before?” He shoved things into his bag and opened the front door.

“Fuck, no.”

“Then what is it? You don’t see me for five years now, and suddenly you’re here, wanting to take care of me. Offering me help. I can manage, you know. I did perfectly well before you turned up.”

We both knew that was a lie, but I wasn’t about to correct him.

We got in the car, and I started the engine. A song of my favourite band, Kings, blasted through the speakers.

“Well, I never had you as a K-pop fan, John.”

I liked it. What could I say?

“I know one member.” He smiled. “He’s the husband of a friend of mine.”

“Really? Which one?” I liked Cho personally. He had something about him.

“Friend or member of Kings?”

“Either. Both.”
